Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. 12pointWoody


    I am relatively new to the sight but I enjoy all the pictures and stories I see and read on here yes sometimes there is some drama threads but I tend to try to avoid them and just stick with what I like and fully intend to get into the trail cam pictures part of the site next spring. I now have...
  2. 12pointWoody

    late summer bass

    Took my 7 year old nephew out with me once he caught this Guy set the hook and got a little help reeling him in but it was his first keeper https://picasaweb.google.com/117253692308311399513/DropBox?authkey=Gv1sRgCILdlsrs15G_2AE#5973158629508749474
  3. 12pointWoody

    late summer bass

    Sorry this should have been done at the time but just recently figures out how to put photos on here. Went fishing with a buddy of mine at a farm pond. Put a few on a stringer for the photo, all were released
  4. 12pointWoody

    End HUSH?

    There are pros and cons to the HUSH program and during shotgun season I am sure if it weren't for that program we would see more dead does left in the field going to waste that could help people that can't afford meat
  5. 12pointWoody


    I have been shooting carbon express mayhem series
  6. 12pointWoody

    420 1/8 inches

    2nd shotgun 131 1/8
  7. 12pointWoody

    420 1/8 inches

    Late muzzle 136 3/8
  8. 12pointWoody

    420 1/8 inches

    Bow 152 5/8
  9. 12pointWoody

    420 1/8 inches

    Left to right late muzzle, 2nd shotgun, Bow
  10. 12pointWoody

    420 1/8 inches

    Oh I use this as an app from my phone maybe that's why I can't figure it out
  11. 12pointWoody

    420 1/8 inches

    My three deer total for the year. Bow 152 5/8 , 2nd shotgun 131 1/8 ( tagged with a friends tag from my group) and my late muzzleloader 136 3/8. Was great year. Can't seems to figure out how to post the picture so I made them my profile picture. If someone could post the image to the thread...
  12. 12pointWoody


    If his antlers only matched his body he would be a monster!
  13. 12pointWoody

    Jan 3rd ML

  14. 12pointWoody

    Where, when, why etc......

    I started bowhunting when I was 31(2009) Bought my first bow off my brother in law a Browning coyote cx8a Great - my first bow Buck was around 120 inches I was sitting on the ground in a fence line near a creek when he came in hit him at 7 yards clean pass through. I had never seen a animal act...
  15. 12pointWoody

    Deer are NOT Pests

    I grew up in NW Iowa and have believed for a long time that any farmer with more than 1000 acres of crop land should get a government check annually and be required to put 1% of that land into crp or some type of non harvestable habitat
  16. 12pointWoody

    used treestands

    Nope not really I only have one stand currently the rest of my hunting has been from either a ground blind or just standing by a tree or laying on a terrace
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