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  1. Bone Slayer

    Either Sex Tag

    I got to looking at the rules and regulations tonight and I came across a page in the regulations book. It shows the northwest part of the state has no antlerless tags available which is fine. However, above the map it states, "Counties in Red: Antlered deer only during first shotgun and early...
  2. Bone Slayer

    Rubbing Tree

    I don't think I've met a more negative person than you.... So many members on here would be blessed and fortunate to own their own piece of heaven...
  3. Bone Slayer

    Snapchat Contacts

    andydougherty there may or may not be college party snaps on there as well ??
  4. Bone Slayer

    Bone Slayer's Thread

    I finally got pulled two cameras this weekend. What do you guys think?
  5. Bone Slayer

    Bone Slayer's Thread

    Alright guys I pulled the same camera again. I just put up another 4 cameras two weeks ago and haven't checked them yet. Once again Captain has showed up. Every picture I have of him is during day light or right at dusk. Where do you think he is living? He was showing up a couple times a week...
  6. Bone Slayer

    Age score

    I will go with 3.5 and mid to high 140s
  7. Bone Slayer

    IowaWhitetail Fantasy Football League?

    Ill be in if theres still room
  8. Bone Slayer

    Bone Slayer's Thread

    I have only pulled one camera so far. What are your guess on age and score? Captain Heres a regular that shows up that might be cool in another 2 years
  9. Bone Slayer

    Best Spots for Bowhunting Iowa Trophy Bucks

    I seen this on North American Whitetail today and thought it was an interesting read. Take a look at the map on the counties they came up with. http://www.northamericanwhitetail.com/iowa/best-spots-for-bowhunting-iowa-trophy-bucks/
  10. Bone Slayer


    This cracks me up!! One of the most truthful things ever to be said....
  11. Bone Slayer


    Seems like once a year there is an elk and bear sightings.... On another note the news said two wolves were shot http://whotv.com/2016/03/04/dnr-confirms-two-wolves-shot-in-iowa-over-winter/
  12. Bone Slayer

    Another level...

    I didn't even know people have had the thought of stealing a tower blind run though their mind... let alone stealing in general And I have no words for the cellular trail cam, unbelievable!
  13. Bone Slayer


    How long does it take to kill the multiflower if round up was applied to them?
  14. Bone Slayer

    Landmark day

    Well looks like the odd are in our favor! http://espn.go.com/chalk/story/_/id/14825326/the-chicago-cubs-enter-spring-training-favorites-win-world-series
  15. Bone Slayer

    Doe harvest

    You are absolutely correct.
  16. Bone Slayer

    Xstand discount

    Ill think I will stick to my big game ladder stands. Usually can pick them up at Menards for $40-$50 and have more options. ;)
  17. Bone Slayer

    Odd Deer

    Last week a buck was pulled from a spring leading to a pond. The body was completely submerged just the head sticking out. The neighbor pulled it out and got it away from the water. The buck was barley breathing and was checked for any source of wound. Nothing came up, no arrow hole, or any...
  18. Bone Slayer

    181" Iowa Whitetail

    I think your just jealous...:rolleyes:
  19. Bone Slayer

    Rut hunt, Field edge or timber? Decoy?

    Are you guys having better luck with doe or buck decoys?
  20. Bone Slayer

    Public Land Pics

    You couldn't have said it any better
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