Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Portable Blind Ideas Needed

    There is nothing better than a natural blind made out of whatever is growing in the crp!! Done it many times, I don't have pics on this phone, but a natural blind done right is invisible if the wind is In your favor! Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  2. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Didnt expect this on my trail cam!!!!

    I agree! I'd Have been scared sh**less if it was coming at me! As for the vehicle, that crazy how many have been seen lately, Hopefully got to keep it, looks like it smashed his car up pretty good Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  3. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Didnt expect this on my trail cam!!!!

    I'd have never let it even look my way if I was on the ground carrying a firearm, let alone wait until it charged!! If i had time to get my gun out im shooting! If it wouldnt have stopped charging at him it probably would have got to him.[emoji33] [emoji250][emoji3517]Idk where this video was...
  4. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Poll: how many would shoot a lion vs let it walk?

    Definitely shoot! There's no way I'd be able to walk out afterwards or back in when it's dark without feeling him right behind me ready to pounce on me every step lol [emoji250][emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji33] Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  5. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Night Vision Scopes and handhelds

    Dog down Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  6. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Night Vision Scopes and handhelds

    Im no guru!! But i have an atn 4k pro IR scope, dont have thermal yet.. most of the guys i know run a similar setup and use a handheld thermal monocular, (some have thermal scope and handheld) for 2 reasons mostly.. this is what they tell me- 1) its A LOT easier to scan with a handheld than it...
  7. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Thermal and IR Coyote Hunting.

    Nice!!! As soon as deer seasons wrap up ill be out trying to hit the coyotes hard at nite!! Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  8. wapsi-bottom-BP


    They are terrible here by us in eastern IA.. can barely go outside in the yard unless the wind is blowing Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  9. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Running a license plate?

    https://vincheck.info/free-license-plate-lookup/iowa-free-license-plate-lookup Try this Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  10. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Most visible arrow fletching & wrap- alternative to lighted nocks?

    I just switched from white n blue blazers with blue lighted nocks, to a heavier arrow with white wraps and all white vanes. I could see my old arrows great, but for some reason i cant see these worth a $***!!!! Hard to see the arrow flight at all, Even at 20 yds in the target i cant really see...
  11. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Thermal and IR Coyote Hunting.

    Called one in last night!! im liking the ATN so far, i can see pretty well out to about 300-400 yds at night depending on conditions Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  12. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Thermal and IR Coyote Hunting.

    Lol, i had it open until my wife felt the cold air and busted me[emoji36][emoji95][emoji2935][emoji378][emoji2936].. I was just testing the deathgrip tripod out for the first time, n i like it so far!! Haven't had it in the field yet, 5 more days, or i mean nights!! Sent from my SM-G986U...
  13. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Thermal and IR Coyote Hunting.

    I have around 800 in scope n light.. i plan on using the factory light it comes with, as ive tested out back and can see close to 200 yds into the timber, really clear/sharp image also! Im not opposed to upgrading my light but want to try this one first.. I have friends that have thermal, from...
  14. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Thermal and IR Coyote Hunting.

    Im ready to go, just need to put the ir light back on!! Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  15. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Off topic, maybe controversial but a lot of fun & excitement!!!!

    This sounds scientific enough for me.. i agree with that 100%... i only wear a mask when i have to.. (basically just when i go to menards) Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  16. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Best Days To Hunt The Rut

    My rut-cation is always centered around nov 7th.. we have killed the majority of our bucks on the 7th.. could just be because that's when we r there hunting, if we picked the 10th or 12th to hunt im sure we would do well.. idk.. but i will be hunting the 5th to 10th this yr Sent from my...
  17. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Stump blinds

    Id like to know asking price as well.. thanks Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  18. wapsi-bottom-BP

    .22 pistol recommendations?

    Got the same gun for my dad for plinking down at the cabin.. he loves it, accurate and reliable.. i have a ruger, and both guns are nice 22 pistols Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  19. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Snapping Turtles

    You could try this?? Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
  20. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Kids Bow and Arrow

    This is what i got my boys last Christmas.. nothing complicated, just the basics so its easy n fun for them!! Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
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