Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Best days of the rut

    All day sits from nov 4- nov 9 this year.. nov 7th is my fav, hands down!!! Me or my bro have taken the majority of our deer on the 7th.. might be because we always schedule so the 7th is right in the middle of our hunt??
  2. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Original Muddy Bloodsport stand

    Where r the stands located? Thanks
  3. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Cabelas Dry Plus Outfit

    Where r u located? Thanks
  4. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Anyone ever hear of Bovine Virus Diarrhea Virus in wild deer

    Crazy that you posted that! A friend n I were out coyote hunting a few days ago and when we got back to the truck he witnessed the exact same thing!! He said it was all over on trails and beds! What area was this, if u dont mind me asking?
  5. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Right handed but left eye dominant.

    X2!! I am the exact same way! I can shoot a gun left handed almost as well as right handed but still prefer to shoot right, tho i am left eye dominant.. only shoot my bow right! shot right handed for yrs with no problems before i even knew what eye dominance even was!!
  6. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Having trouble sending PM's.

    Is your messages full maybe?
  7. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Still Puzzled

    I shot my buck last weekend, double lung shot with a grim reaper! There almost NO blood! Found 2 drips 30yds from the shot where my arrow fell out n nothing else close to that. I backed out, fully believing that it was a bad shot even though i watched the arrow disappear right in the sweet...
  8. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Galaxy S5

    I have a s5. It will let me post on here, but i cannot copy n paste the BB code for pics???
  9. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Hunter orange required for cameraman during firearm seasons?

    X2.. whenever i am bow hunting on most of the farms that i dont own, I like to wear orange while walking in and out! Never know when someone will shoot at a "rustling in the brush" I DO NOT want to be shot lol... I took my decoy out yesterday and wrapped it in an orange vest while carrying it!!
  10. wapsi-bottom-BP

    2014-2015 Running Buck Count

    Daughter shot a buck youth season. Pics in my photos, couldn't get them to post here..
  11. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Absolutly Disgusted

    I was thinking the exact same thing
  12. wapsi-bottom-BP

    My deer is back

    Very nice buck!! Cant wait to get my 2013 buck back from the taxi..
  13. wapsi-bottom-BP

    I need some grass carp in SE Iowa

    When we got fish 2 yrs ago, we met the state fish guy at the intersection of hwy 1 & 2, by the old Lamplighter gas station. He told us to bring barrels filled with water from our pond.. worked great for us, but we r only a few mi from there..
  14. wapsi-bottom-BP

    861 ford tractor live power

    What's the asking price? Thanks
  15. wapsi-bottom-BP

    EHD? - Allamakee County

    There is a trail cam pic of a bobcat pouncing on a turkey hanging on the wall at AJ's in mt sterling!!!! I also watched coyotes try to stalk up on turkeys 2 seperate times at one farm this winter!!!
  16. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Box Blinds

    We build a 6'x6' platform about 12-15 feet up (we have used 4x4 and 6x6 posts, both work fine) and frame a box blind out of 2x6's just like framing a house, with windows and doors, works great and very sturdy!! Im building a new one for the kids to hunt out of on my new food plot at my house...
  17. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Should Dogs Be Allowed to Track Wounded Deer

    I voted yes with registration n heavy fines.. I own land, hunt my land, consider myself to be an excellent woodsman, I feel that I have better than average tracking skills, tracked many der for a lot of friends!! But if needed I would use a tracking dog if I couldn't find a deer.. I dont think...
  18. wapsi-bottom-BP


    I'll be using a couple rage xtremes and 2 ulmer edge broadheads..
  19. wapsi-bottom-BP

    What's your opinion on blood trailing dogs?

    I think that is a good idea!!! Must pass a certification n have a permit/license, and some type of reporting system.. A lot easier said than done tho!!!!
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