Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Got my Bear back

    Nice bear!!! Would've looked a little better if it had a black n gold liner instead tho lol :-D
  2. wapsi-bottom-BP

    first bow deer

    Nice buck!!!
  3. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Yellow River trout fishing

    We always tent camp right on little paint creek, walk up n down it to all the pools n usually limit out on fish..
  4. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Selling hunting land

    U have to pay a commission to post land on here??
  5. wapsi-bottom-BP

    for sale yz250

    1999 yz250 dirtbike, lots of aftermarket parts, runs great, fast!!! $1400.obo
  6. wapsi-bottom-BP

    iowawhitetail App. Question

    Yea, I do it right from the app..I rairly open my browser for the full site, unless to see a pic that doesn't show up, or upload one to my albums or something.
  7. wapsi-bottom-BP

    iowawhitetail App. Question

    I have photobucket app on my phone, any pics I take go there.. I just open PB select the pic I want, hit menu, view link's, hit the IMG code n it copies to my clipboard, then paiste it here.
  8. wapsi-bottom-BP

    iowawhitetail App. Question

    I can post pics from my phone, do it all the time.. I have a new EVO from sprint.. but I also CAN'T see a lot of the pics on here, I always just do the same thing cooter said (open browser)..
  9. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Four wheeler or utv

    Comes with helmet and Thor riding boots, size 10 or 11..
  10. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Four wheeler or utv

    02 Honda trx 400 ex
  11. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Four wheeler or utv

    I have a quad for sale. Message me for more info
  12. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Hunting room/Man Cave/Man Bar

    Omfg!!! That is so kickass!!
  13. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Looking for lab pups

    I'm looking for a breeder also, not for labs though.. looking for a female Doberman pup, preferably a red or fawn color.. its for my dad for a b-day/retirement gift!! Thanks guys.
  14. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Hypothetical Question

    On the first question I'd probably go with mushroom hunting, LOVE EM!!!! I'd have to say whiteails!! Turkey hunting is fun, but I really only have turkeys on my mind for a few weeks a yr!! On the other hand, I have whitetails on the mind almost all yr!!!
  15. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Crossbows?!?!? Iowa bow season?

    I dislocated my elbow in Sept 2010.. I thought my season was over!!! I got a temp permit to use a crossbow, and purchased a new crossbow.. by late Oct, I put it up n never got it out again.. it just wasn't for me, a lot harder than people think to shoulder it and swing one way or the other...
  16. wapsi-bottom-BP

    2012 Recap....

    I have a few harvest photos from last yr.. Brysi with a couple of yellows we found this spring Abby n me with her first buck!!! Catfish posing with a few big ole geese opening morning Me, brysi n remi with a big'n Remi after the first good snowfall, she loves chasing...
  17. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Favorite New Product

    I got a primos bow sling last yr.. love it for long walks, and i like how it protects my cam n strings..
  18. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Member playing in the Super Bowl

    "Droptine37" the number is already there.. I think Considine wears 37??
  19. wapsi-bottom-BP


    "Call 641-780-5677 if interested" This was In the gear and equip page.
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