Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. wapsi-bottom-BP

    CCW Online?

    I took this class.. good guys there at duck creek armory!! Class is good, starts with identifying the basic parts of a gun, goes on to safety, carry options, ect ect, ended with questions about different shoot or no shoot self defence scenarios.. worth every penny ;)
  2. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Replacement string?

    X2 for crackers!!!
  3. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Late season muzzy buck

    Nice buck!!!
  4. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Favorite ways to cook your venison?

    We do the same thing except we wrap a half of a pickled jalapeno or mushroom in with each one. Had them last nite They're awesome
  5. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Late season muzzy buck

    I can't see them??
  6. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Last Minute; Conceal Carry Class Tomorrow, Knoxville, Iowa

    Or you could go to Duck Creek Armory, in Davenport, they do the class for FREE almost every Saturday morning at 8am I believe..
  7. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Tell Me What You Think

    "I have moved stands that are sore points and even though it goes against my grain i will move the house if that would help" I can see possibly moving some stands right on the property line, but move a shooting house that's already 200yds in!! That is ridiculous!!! How far away from the fence...
  8. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Bullets and Arrows combined! this is cool

    I know one (black) on here, Gary Morehouse aka catfish!! Know him personally, n he prob took offense to it.. :P
  9. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Neat Photo.......Just My Luck

    Sounds like a perfect friend for bonker!!!
  10. wapsi-bottom-BP

    2012 Harvest Photo Contest

    Abby's first buck, Sept 16, 2012. Shot at 95 yds, perfect shot!!
  11. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Black Guns are bad

    , but before you judge and think it is dangerous you should experience it. It is a lot of fun, and I wish everyone could experience it. Is that n invite ;), I bet it is exciting, was in some thick timber n had one jump out of a brush pile 5 ft from me a couple days ago, he's luck I had my...
  12. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Black Guns are bad

    Seriously?? Sounds dangerous to me, driving around shooting high power rifles into fencelines, trees n ditches to scare stuff out!!! To each, his own I guess??
  13. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Arrow Rest Thoughts and Recommendations

    I had a whisker on my bow when I bought it, didn't work well for me, now I shoot the ripcord code red, drop away rest.. I really like it!!! But like they say "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" if u like the whisker biscuit and shoot well with it, no real need to change..
  14. wapsi-bottom-BP

    Finally!!! Snow and cold!!!

    Haha glass cutters!!!
  15. wapsi-bottom-BP


    the group I usually hunt with (4 guys) did first season, didn't even fill a tag!! Had a couple opportunities, but never closed the deal.. only saw a couple shooter bucks I guess.. I did second season because of work & the warm weather during 1st season.. I hunted by myself, so I wasn't gonna be...
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