This buck was my #1 target buck and I gave him the name “Crabby”
Oct. 22nd I had 3 does come out and Crabby was right behind them, unfortunately the does got downwind before he could come in range. That was the first time I had seen Crabby and right away he was the buck I wanted to harvest...
Me and my parents hunted my farm, i seen 2 does with their fawns and 2 other does no bucks behind them, and seen a nice ten right before dark. My parents didnt see anything.
Here is a 10 that showed up on 2 of my cams
Some more pics of the target buck, i finally seen him hunting and he looks more mature in person than he does on the camera
A new buck that showed up
Here is my new target buck :way: i had this buck at 40 yards my first night...
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