Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Search results

  1. F

    Human Scent

    Depends, giant doe with 3 fawns unlimited range, probably walk into the field snorting. 6 pt buck during the rut, prolly end up at the base of the tree smelling your sticks. When I figure it out exactly, I'll sell it to everyone! Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  2. F

    Turkey population…

    Atleast bobcats don't kill turkeys[emoji849]! Not my trail cam video but the camera is 500 yards from one of the turkey spots i get to hunt & is recent. Not sure how the cat got the turkey, you can draw your own conclusions. I'll attach some video captures in case the video doesn't work. I'm...
  3. F

    HSB 610 Nonresident Landowner Tags

    I like the allow 2 residents to hunt part but absolutely impossible to enforce so I'll be emailing against. They could add 2 non family residents allowed to hunt for the current resident landowner tags requirements & I wouldn't be mad. But still impossible/nightmare to enforce. Sent from my...
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    CP25 vs CP4D CRP Programs

    I had two internships w/ the nrcs in college. We inspected every contract under 5 years old. Each got inspected & re inspected until a final sign off was given. Then left alone til expiration, unless complaints were received. FSA side of the office dealt w/ sign ups, we dealt with installation &...
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    Search for the trail cam to stop theft

    I hunt semi-public bow by permit only & have had an issue with cameras walking off on their own. Probably not ur situation & it is bull you have to consider something like this on your own ground. But 5 years or so ago I started carrying 1 climbing stick & putting cameras up 10 to 12 feet. I...
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    2020 Pheasant Season

    Ha! Oh C'mon real bird dog? You were half right he is a golden doodle. He is 4 years old & I get him out 4 to 5 times a year in Iowa. I don't think there's been a hunt I haven't shot my limit with him. He is an ok bird dog & a great house dog with young kids. Hard to argue the results Sent from...
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    2020 Pheasant Season

    2 hr hunt for 3 of us today. A few sat tight after we scared a very large group out of the field they were feeding in. Decided to go today vs the last weekend of the year because hunting pressure has increased greatly this year in the area we hunt. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  8. F

    Pretty boy decoy

    If anyone has an pretty boy gobbler decoy they would be willing to get rid of let me know. I am willing pay for it & I travel around the state so I can probably meet close over the next few months. I know turkey season is a ways off, but its time to prepare. Message me if you are willing to...
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    Rut report 2020

    Saw 6 bucks & 1 doe getting chased this morning. Doe got a free sled ride home. Two of the bucks were big 4 or 5 plus yr old deer. Deer were still moving when I dragged her out. On my way home @ 11 am, I saw a 150ish 8pt trailing a doe in a neighborhood backyard right past the the kids...
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    Increase in NR tags HF 2517

    Hardwood, The Natural Resource Commission consists of seven citizens, appointed to six year terms by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. The Commission works with the Conservation and Recreation Division of the Department of Natural Resources. This division includes Engineering...
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    Harvest/Kill photo contest

    Here's my favorite harvest photo for the year, my 3 year olds first pheasant hunt. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
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    Moultrie cams

    I had one of the m-880s & returned it twice under warranty once due to battery life and once due to black pictures. The 3rd camera I got back was a M-880 Gen 2 or something like that. That one has worked well for the last year. They take great pictures when it works. Customer service was...
  13. F

    Heaviest deer you've ever killed?

    First deer I shot as a kid was weighed at by the meat locker scale just the carcass was 243 lbs. That was no head, no hide, legs cut off at knee joint. Was only a 7 point buck & seamed fairly young, but who knows. He was shot the first day of youth season & had a ton of fat. No rut to run...
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    Truth about CWD

    I was in college in Stevens Point Wisconsin going for wildlife biology when CWD broke there. Naturally people freaked & Hunter numbers dropped drastically that first season with all the warnings & such but after a few years the hunters came back. I don't know if it is a good thing or not but...
  15. F

    DNR Wildlife Rules: ICN Public Meeting, Feb 24, 2016, 6 -9 PM

    I'll be at the Johnston meeting. I like hearing ideas and concerns of other sportsman.
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