Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. scottonbuck

    Wanted to buy

    I have roughly 130#'s i need to move along, what is your going rate?
  2. scottonbuck

    Drought thoughts?

    we had a 100% chance with the potential of 1-2" it split and went around us not a drop within a 20mile radius.
  3. scottonbuck

    Drought thoughts?

    no rain here since July 27 its been all around us but not a drop here.
  4. scottonbuck

    Rhino 660

    Id agree that will make some one a great deal.
  5. scottonbuck

    Broadheads for Elk?

    Ive shot Elk with Muzzy Trocar HB and the did a nice job. Complete pass thru and dead elk. Ive shot a lot of deer with the same broad head and usually watch them fall in sight.
  6. scottonbuck


    Where is the Loneranger's weather reports?
  7. scottonbuck

    Anyone seeing fewer turkeys?

    I dont think it has to do with overhunting, there is roughly 2000acres of Non hunting ground that has zero hunting pressure and hasnt been hunted in 20 years the Turkeys have vanished from those areas as well. I think there is something bigger or a compilation of things. One of the farms i have...
  8. scottonbuck

    Anyone seeing fewer turkeys?

    Missouri's turkey population is crashing as well, Kansas went to a one bird limit for most of the state do to rapid decline in population. I doubt hunters numbers have skyrocketed enough to cause the drastic drop in numbers. I had 7 hens come running into my dustpan decoy, 7 hens not a tom...
  9. scottonbuck

    Anyone seeing fewer turkeys?

    That doesnt explain the rapid drop in numbers of Hens, literally had farms with 30-40 hens every year now only have single digits. This decline has been in the last 4 years. I havent seen a Jake in 3 years when there used to be gangs of them running around. Needless to say the lack of Jakes has...
  10. scottonbuck

    Anyone seeing fewer turkeys?

    Turkey numbers have crashed in my area of SE Iowa, i drove 30 miles of gravel travel before work on Wednesday and thursday morning and saw 1 hen. In recent years you would see large flocks and no less than 20 strutters on that route. I skipped 1st season and scouted to find a few birds to hunt...
  11. scottonbuck

    Land value chart over time for iowa...

    Brent, Do you, your financial advisor, and your mental health counselor ever sit down and discuss these things? Id like to watch these conversations.
  12. scottonbuck

    I find this hard to believe, thoughts?

    Generally Mice and Tree rats wont chew on a dead head unless it has been there for a very long time, my opinion is that they dont do to the predators/scavengers eating the dead animal would be more than happy to eat a mouse or squirrel as well. If you are an antelope dont go into the lions den...
  13. scottonbuck

    HSB 158 Crossbows in late archery season

    As Biden would say that's Malarky, my boys shot 30-35 pounds and had no issues killing deer. sharp broadhead and shot placement are key. 4 deer none went further than 40 yards after being shot. Heck i know several women that only shoot 30-35 pounds and have zero trouble killing deer. If you...
  14. scottonbuck

    HSB 158 Crossbows in late archery season

    30-35 pounds is really all you need.
  15. scottonbuck

    Bucks fighting, why the Increase?

    Sounds like some of those big city gangster bucks have migrated out of Chicago to your farm.
  16. scottonbuck

    Tips on re-attaching antlers

    My experiance with out pinning the antlers back to the skull is they will fall back off, not if but when. I just did one with some pointers from Reinerston Taxidermy. Drilled into the antlers and placed the pins into the antler held in place by 5 min epoxy. Let that set up and put the pin into...
  17. scottonbuck

    Tips on re-attaching antlers

    I feel sorry for the unlucky sap that has to hold those antlers waiting for the wood glue to dry.
  18. scottonbuck

    Early shed year? Brother’s buck shed at shot

    I have a lot of shed bucks already here as well, i figure the snow and hard icepack has had them stressed as most of their food was under 8" of snow with and inch of ice on top of that. they very quickly transitioned to standing beans or corn. No worries if they shed early just hopefully the...
  19. scottonbuck

    Bonus Hunt

    Tall and tight!! Congrats
  20. scottonbuck

    big Mn buck

    I bet he can buy beer!!
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