Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. koba

    Straight up disgusting...

    Boy i am sure bummed for everyone affected by the Flood !! Only a guy named MUDDY could rescue BABE for future movies !! Good luck to all ! Hopefully the rain tonight will pass !!
  2. koba

    Nonresident Landowners, check out this website.

    Re: Nonresident Landowners, check out this website Hot topic !! Save your Herd Iowa !!
  3. koba

    Flood Pictures

    Very bummed out to hear about the Flooding for everyone. Please no more storms or rain!
  4. koba


    My buddy used a snare ! I have a photo if some one can paste.
  5. koba

    Feeding hay

    $3 - 6 dollars a bale in the summer when we had the DROUGHT !! Now could be PRICY !!
  6. koba

    Mountain Lion near Newell???

    Do you roast them over the coals or stew them !!!
  7. koba


    Here we go AGAIN !!
  8. koba

    Ohio PIG

    GREAT BUCK !!! all we got was RAIN !!!
  9. koba

    Ammish KIll Monster

    Come on be nice !! They do bathe and use deodorant. As for the beards yes that looks like a Brush pile !! How i know is last year i hunted Vanburen county with Amish. They do not MOUNT any thing, they all display them in the pole barns !
  10. koba

    Best camera on the best scrape {LARGE pic}

    Timber !!
  11. koba

    Full Moon?

    YEP A FULL MOON TONIGHT !!!! It's all-right let's go huntin BABY !!!
  12. koba

    Governor Non-resident archery tags

    I am in FAVOR of giving my tag to KAARE !!! Who else on this sight tags OUT with a 200 + every YEAR !!
  13. koba

    The Big 8 is down!!

    NICE BUCK !!
  14. koba

    To early to rattle?

    NEVER !!!
  15. koba

    My first food plot

  16. koba

    Governor Non-resident archery tags

    Actually i was just really looking for the LIST !!!
  17. koba

    Governor Non-resident archery tags

    He guys i was famous ! Well atleast for 15 minutes. Can any one comp me on this one? Any one got a link to who is on the list?
  18. koba

    19pt taken in Cedar county

    Safari GREAT POST !!! I started my son with a B.B. gun at 5? then walking with a EMPTY 22. then a loaded 22, then a 410, NOW a 20 gauge AGE 10. Gosh grand pa could not beleive that tonight i let him move the car from the driveway when he was mowing the grass, which he started doing at the age...
  19. koba

    Sled vs cart

    CART !! But keep a cheap kids sled around when ya got SNOW.
  20. koba

    First deer!

    NICE !!!!
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