Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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    General Observations

    lots of does and a few small bucks. last night i saw 2eights and a nine pointer. all were sparring with each other and the nine was at least 3 1/2 and in the 130s
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    General Observations

    i have been seeing lots of deer activity. lots of does and small bucks. last night i saw 8 does and 3 bucks in two hrs. the eights were only 2 1/2 but the nine pointer i saw at least 3 1/2, probably 130's
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    Just curious about the lengths and weights of the fish you were catching? Great looking fish! I just got back from Ontario but we only caught one like those.
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    QDM regulations for IA hunters

    Yep, took the words right out of my mouth.
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    Here's a few pictures of what we harvested the last few days. The first one is the buck that I harvested on the last drive of opening day. My buddy pushed him across the timber to me. When he busted out of the timber I hit him with one shot and he went down, take a close look at the middle of...
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    BowHuntnFool, Yes, that was me last friday shooting at my grandpa's place. Trying to get it ready for the big gun hunt. Next time feel free to stop by I'd like to meet you. Maybe we could get together sometime and do some shed hunting or late season doe hunting. -Jason
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    I was hunting just across the road when the accident happened. Talked to a close friend of the families and he was where he wasn't supposed to be. The father had no idea he was there. He went over to look for any signs of a hit after the deer had passed through and that's when he walked up on...
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    BowhuntnFool, Did you shoot all the does and buck around Oxford, or do you hunt elsewhere. Also, did I miss a story and pictures from the buck?
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    how do you pass the time?

    Not even close pharmer!
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    how do you pass the time?

    I usually do one of two things. I text message my hunting partner to see how he's doing and I daydream a lot (mostly about girls). The other day I started to feel sorry for the bucks because they can only rut for one month out of the year but we can rut all year long. Yeah we've got it good like...
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    First Time Hunting Iowa Where to start?

    I'm not from that part but I did watch a deer hunting show last night that was filming on the Timberghost Ranch. Some nice bucks on there and I believe it's in Burlington, IA. Anyways, welcome to IA and make sure you post pics and tell us a good story.
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    Check this out!

    That is an awesome pic! I would love to hear a story if you come across one. Anyone else think he would weigh 400lbs live weight?
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    Cleaning up after the coyotes?

    I was just curious about your thoughts about eating deer meat after some of the carcass has been eaten by coyotes and other scavengers? Would you avoid this because of cross-contamination or is it safe?
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    Your thoughts on the hit update!

    This is the first time I have tried to put pictures on here so hopefully it works.
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    Your thoughts on the hit update!

    For all those that read and replied to my post a few days ago I wanted to thank you and report how it turned out. After no sleep on monday night, I'm sure most of you know about that feeling, I was less than optimistic after it rained all night long. I'll save the long story for the hunt and sum...
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    Your thoughts on the hit?

    Thanx for the replies, The shot looked to be about three to four inches below the top of the back. I was hunting about a mile north of the river bottom. Close to where Amana Society ground joins public ground. I was on private land. I used to live on the black top road that goes into Oxford on...
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    Your thoughts on the hit?

    Hey everyone, I need some advice (or reassurance) I'm not sure which! I don't post very often but visit the site usually daily but here goes. Tonight I'm out, right before the rain cuts loose, I have a doe and a buck run by my stand about thirty yards. I get the buck to stop quartering away...
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