Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Deaner

    Sioux Falls ICE STORM!

    Getting weather like that every once in a while is cool but then when you have to deal with it it sucks. It's really sad to see the damage tree's get in that stuff! It's inconvenient to have to drive in and to loose power but the tree damage is permanent.
  2. Deaner

    puff of smoke?

    At the risk of sounding naive, I didn't know there was such things as ported barrels. Guess you learn something every day...
  3. Deaner

    puff of smoke?

    I know the president was just trying to have a photo op to make it look like he knows how to shoot guns and likes them..., but the picture that came out over the weekend (I tried to download it on here but I couldn't get it to work so hopefully someone more computer literate then I can post it)...
  4. Deaner

    Vandenburg buck?

    The really cool thing about KCRG is that the sports guy is a pheasant hunter and I've seen him do stories of him out pheasant hunting. I actually work at a TV station and we wouldn't even think of do something like that...
  5. Deaner

    Vandenburg buck?

    I heard Vandenberg the Iowa QB went home this week durring Iowa's bye week and shot a big buck. Someone just told me it is a 21 point main frame 10 that is in the 190's. I was just wondering if anyone has an pictures...
  6. Deaner

    Up Close & Personal

    Pretty cool Ty!
  7. Deaner

    Hell on Wheels...

    I know this isn't really a deer related topic but being that it is kind of a slow time in our hunting world I thought I would throw this out to everyone. If you are into Westerns like I am I was going to suggest a really good Western tv show that is starting it's second season this Sunday...
  8. Deaner

    off season

    This off season is being spent having a new house built. We're living in a house on a sketchy side of Des Moines temporarily till the new house gets done. I work with the guy that owns the house and he said we can live there as long as we want rent free just as long as we get rid of the Peach...
  9. Deaner

    Something rubs me wrong

    Swamp People Deadliest Catch Mooshiners American Pickers Chasing Classic Cars I LOVE Hell on Wheels
  10. Deaner

    how did you get it?

    Deaner is what my friends used to call me when I was growing up. Some people still call me that every once in awhile.
  11. Deaner

    Old Red - Boar Ridge Boar Down

    Man! Those things sure are ugly!
  12. Deaner

    one night, and life around a deer carcass

    LOVE the pictures!!!
  13. Deaner

    Fooling Full House-The End Of A 2 Year History

    NICE deer! Cool pic too!
  14. Deaner

    Top 10 Things That Annoy Me While Hunting...

    I was geocaching a while ago and reached into a hole at the base of tree to get a cache out that was hidden in there and squirrel came out of the same hole I had my hand in!! Scared the chit out of me!!!!!!
  15. Deaner

    Worst night ever had deer hunting

    So did you hear it coming at you? I've always heard they are the silent killers in the woods. I've never seen one close enough to witness it first hand but I've always heard they swoop in without making a sound and kill the crows that chase them around durring the day...
  16. Deaner

    Starting another...Its Done !!!!!

    Dude!! Sorry to hear about your thumb!! I kind of stumbled onto this post after not coming on Iowawhitetail FOR EVER...To be honest I don't know a lot about guns and/or gun parts but still found this post fascinating your skills and progress of your project! It seemed like such a good post...
  17. Deaner

    Finally a great weekend day what did everybody get done?

    I took Friday off to go tureky hunting after hearing it was going to be so nice out. Got up at 4 and drove the 30 miles to my hunting ground. About two miles from where I was going to hunt I hit an F'n deer and totaled my jeep! So needless to say that pretty much ruined my weekend. Don't...
  18. Deaner

    1st Post

    NIce buck! I would have left the deer's ear as well. When I got my deer mounted he had a swollen eye probably from fighting. My taxi. put a liitle extra bondo around that eye to make it look like it did when I brought it to him. I think it adds a little more realistic touch cuz not all deer...
  19. Deaner

    You tell me

    I don' see anything but pretty much any outdoors sceen in any woods in Iowa. What is there?
  20. Deaner

    my new tree house

    It'd be fun to spend the night in there!
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