Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. turtlshell

    2014 ML buck

    Great mount, and I snorted reading the first line, "you wait until the off-season"...hope a Booner replaces his vacancy!
  2. turtlshell


    I voted for ya
  3. turtlshell

    Urban Hunt results - CR

    read this and thought it was worth a share here. The Cedar Rapids Urban Deer Management Program concluded the 2014-2015 bow hunt season January 10, 2015. A total of 74 hunters qualified for the urban bow hunt. Of the 74 hunters that were eligible for the bow hunt, there were 37 hunters...
  4. turtlshell

    Iowa Bowhunters Association

    Great thread. I've been a member in the past, but it was difficult to "feel" the value. I don't recall even receiving a renewal form, but I did get a sticker and some periodic magazines/newsletters. The content, from what I recall, was pretty decent. All that said, I"m glad to hear of the...
  5. turtlshell

    Sad outcome.

    My same thoughts.
  6. turtlshell

    Sobering Moment

    nail on the head...
  7. turtlshell

    They don't work

    If you have a local beauty shop/barber...get some hair clippings...apply a ring, like mulch, deer will avoid.
  8. turtlshell


    Thanks to crops, out on my farm...still standing on neighbors...and trappers. My morning consisted of more F150's than deer. Judging by my trailcams, when the crops came out the deer moved-on, too. Not too excited about sitting in the frigid cold, but the buck sign on the farm couldn't be...
  9. turtlshell

    He just didn't listen...

    Way to go daver...been a good season for you, thus far. Congrats.
  10. turtlshell

    Nice 8 down!!

    Nice 8 is right...great photos. Congrats.
  11. turtlshell

    Tomo scores!

    That's a toad...especially from the ground. Way to go Tomo
  12. turtlshell

    Keith Richards Lives

    TANK alert...hope you can see him during the day-time. Best of luck, and I, too, remember him from the past!
  13. turtlshell

    Newton goes nighty night

    X2, congrats mark and proud-Papa
  14. turtlshell

    Score this one

    Yes...shoot him The best way to know what he scores is to put the tape to his dead-buck ANTLERS!!! Best of luck.
  15. turtlshell

    Score this one

    It's hard without a side profile, but I'm definitely not seeing 160's...looks closer to upper 40's to low 50's. Roll a rough measurement off the second picture, his G2's are only half of his spread...and he's only at his ears. Plus his beams look stubby. H1's - 4.5+4.5 H2's - 4+4 H3's -...
  16. turtlshell


    1. it was Bad advice 2. You're definitely not "helping-yourself" by making unfounded statements 3. You're not the first-guy to come here and make this type of "non-business-drumming, reverse-psychology style" first post. 4. No need to apologize to me...I think whomever you've used that...
  17. turtlshell


    you have a lot of options...get out there any whack one. Thanks for the 'horn-porn'...
  18. turtlshell


    Great...another Amway dunce. APSA 80 is NOT safe to drink, and is not a soil amender
  19. turtlshell

    almost time

    Too hard to tell from one pic and so far away, but I can promise, you won't be disappointed. He's a stud and looks fully mature. I had a similar buck three years ago...but not as wide, went 163& change
  20. turtlshell

    Tank - the 4 yr pursuit

    Love it...job well done. "Tanks" for the memories!
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