Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. turtlshell

    The Stars Aligned Again in "The Stand"

    Nice, especially the car pic. Bigger than anything I've ever killed, CONGRATS
  2. turtlshell

    VIDEO: Shooter 12- This morning- Unique as can be

    I agree that he's 4.5.. He'll scare you next season, but I understand putting an arrow in him this season. One thing is for sure, you've got some solid ground, dude. Your videos are awesome!
  3. turtlshell

    Target buck down

    Kick a$$, Nick. That's an awesome buck. Excellent pictures!!! Congrats.
  4. turtlshell

    Huge Body or small rack?

    That's a tough angle to tell much. I'll toss another in for 3.5 stud.
  5. turtlshell

    182' Big 12

    That's a whopper
  6. turtlshell

    Score thoughts

    Agreed 100%
  7. turtlshell

    Traditional Success

    That sounded like a great hunt...a buck like that with stick& string...not sure how it gets much better. Big CONGRATS!! Love that frame on him
  8. turtlshell

    Video: 10 yard encounter with a great up & comer working scrapes last night 10/21/14

    looks like the ozoni-scent-blockin-ever-calm worked wonders LOL... Just kidding, that's an awesome video...got me ready for my two day hunt. With patience like yours, you shall be rewarded. Keep after'em
  9. turtlshell

    Chubs 2014

    That was better reading than anything I've seen in a magazine. Well done, once again It never gets old following your adventures.
  10. turtlshell

    Pretty good encounter last night on film

    Agree with your score assessment and understand your predicament, especially when you saw a potential booner 10. HOWEVER, I like everyone else, would have let him eat an arrow...even on the 16th for me. That buck will be beyond special next year...has it all except the brows, mass tine...
  11. turtlshell

    Tough Call--Which one to go after

    add another to "first one list"...no question
  12. turtlshell

    Bully 6 pt

    dirt-nap, forthcoming.
  13. turtlshell

    Templeton Lawsuit

    I think Cedar Ridge is more smooth...and tastes better
  14. turtlshell

    Stand height

    anyone ever calculate the geometry involved with skyscrapper stands and effective bow range? At a certain stand height you have to be engaging the law of diminishing returns. **update - I put pen to paper and ran some numbers. 1. 15' stand @40yds is within 1foot (120.93ft) 2. 20' stand...
  15. turtlshell

    Shoot or pass??- HELP!!

    easy pass for me...I"m not hunting him. :p ...honestly you can't make the wrong call. You're right, if you pass and he lives, he'll be fun to watch next year.
  16. turtlshell

    Velvet "shrinkage"

    You should be feeding more minerals Mega-Rack Rx (a la whitetail viagra) :D
  17. turtlshell

    Iowa Iowa State

    coaching isn't even a question. For those who don't agree, look in the mirror and ask yourself where either program would be without either coach. Iowa has routinely put players in the NFL under Captain Kirk, not even a question on asking him to leave. ISU, Rhoades may be a lot of talk...
  18. turtlshell

    TIP things

    Well said...CHEERS! :drink2:
  19. turtlshell

    TIP things

    Good to hear...and it was all completed WITHOUT the gadgetry being requested in this post.
  20. turtlshell

    TIP things

    Exactly the problem. These are all state resources and being coordinated in the most inefficient way possible. Your robo-deer idea would get more of my support than this invasive cellphone scam georgia vacation. I really think the TIP resources are being wasted in this effort. Since a...
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