Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. turtlshell

    Transition Year

    On May 10th I hand seeded all 7 of the tillable acres on my dad's farm. Last year was a very unproductive crop and food plot year for us. The farmer we contracted most of the land to didn't get the beans in until very very late, then it went dry. They yielded next to nothing. My dad tried...
  2. turtlshell

    Bean Food Plots & Electric Fences

    deer move off beans as soon as they start to yellow...so unless you've waited to plant or have some kind of longer-season bean, it's likely you'll need to readjust your goals a bit.
  3. turtlshell

    Sligh1 Bucks Passed Video, 2013

    a buck decoy outta do the trick on the Adam&Steve buck!!! Great video...hope you're out pounding the ground collecting some sheds:way:
  4. turtlshell

    Saturday 11-9 Action

    Or maybe he saw the blind...did you brush it in?
  5. turtlshell

    Saturday 11-9 Action

    Grab that decoy and set it inside the tent with you...he didn't like it the first time, he won't like a second time either...call him back in!!!
  6. turtlshell

    Rainy day surprise in Cass County

    sounds like an exciting hunt with an excellent ending. Glad you found him, he's a stud FOR SURE!!!:way: Looks bigger than low 70's to me
  7. turtlshell

    Numero Uno

    At statement with which I agree 100%... Suffice that I'm as guilty as any for pent-up "preseason" energy...
  8. turtlshell

    Numero Uno

    Yep, blame the victim...because, you know, our society is built on "Guilty until proven innocent", right?:way:
  9. turtlshell

    Numero Uno

    You're right, Y-tail isn't the one who needs to be apologizing...he just saw something and posed the question...The IW internet detective mud-slinging wolves are the ones who should apologize. Seems to me like they're the ones who could have handled it all differently and used PM's instead of...
  10. turtlshell

    Numero Uno

    Where's T250 when you need him???:moon:
  11. turtlshell

    Trail cam placement

    I'm a novice at best, but I wouldn't worry too much right now if I were you. #1. I would highly advise AGAINST going in to the deep thick stuff where you assume the big bucks are bedding because you're probably right, they are bedding there and your presence will just "bump" them out. #2...
  12. turtlshell

    Anyone want to go Barred Owl Hunting?

    This fall, in Oregon...
  13. turtlshell

    Lake McBride

    Alt, I hear ya about fishing the rivers. I'm in the same (pun intended) boat! JNRBRONC, they released a 25"(+) trout...it was so shallow by the ramp two inches of his/her tail fin was above the water. I saw five fish reeled in while I was there and two of those were snagged...and kept...
  14. turtlshell

    Lake McBride

    Coralville is great for fishing when the "cigar" boats aren't running rampant...like right now (early spring) and late fall. Summer time, I wouldn't bother. Way too damn dangerous IMO.
  15. turtlshell

    Lake McBride

    You were down at Sand Lake...what time? I didn't see anyone catching chit!!! I was there until 1230. BTW, stay out of my mehaffey fishing spot, too Last I knew Mudd, they had a meeting at SouthSlope earlier this week to discuss when it's closing. I know they have some steel pylons driven in...
  16. turtlshell

    Lake McBride

    there's no limit on any boat size or motor size. The old motor size restriction was removed. It's a No-Wake Lake now...just like Big Creek. Like muddy said, it used to be a 9.9hp lake. The only restriction on Coralville is you have to drive your boat like a douche to blend in with the rest...
  17. turtlshell

    I love youth season!

    Ditto Coot's statement:way:
  18. turtlshell

    Turkey ink

    Fresh ink is always a treat...nice work and thanks for sharing. Reminds me that I need to get back to finishing my sleeves.
  19. turtlshell

    Which ice fishing flasher?

    haha...I'm in the exact same boat. I picked up a used FL-18 from craigslist two weeks ago and have only gotten out twice. It's raining and 43 degrees, as I type.:confused: I went with the 18 because I wanted the bottom lock/6' zoom feature. Vex's are mobile units, for around $100 you can...
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