Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. turtlshell

    Dinkasaurus 2, added more pics.

    more 'pickle tickle' in the near future, eh?:D
  2. turtlshell

    Dry spell over

    Congrats on a great buck and an AWESOME shot. They don't go far with a gash in the heart:way:
  3. turtlshell

    Dinkasaurus 2, added more pics.

    Way to go, Muddy. Another successful hunt, shrinkage or not...I don't see anything wrong with him:way:
  4. turtlshell

    Bill Winke

    site's crashed now and I can't watch from work tomorrow. BUMMER With that much history, it had to be emotional for Bill.
  5. turtlshell

    first bow kill and first buck

    looks like you completely SMOKED him with the shot, nicely done:way:. Congrats on your first bowkill...
  6. turtlshell

    Giant shot in Nova Scotia Canada

    "ride'em cowboy" :thrwrck:
  7. 6663-superhero-action-words


  8. turtlshell

    LIVE Updates From The Hunt

    friggin awesome. You need to try baiting a sticky trap with cheetos (1 cheeto)...put the cheeto in the middle of the sticky trap and set the trap smack dab in the middle of the room. He'll walk to within 6-8 inches of the trap and then pounce on the cheeto like a fox or yote would pounce on...
  9. 6663-nanners2 10-19

    6663-nanners2 10-19

  10. 6663-nanners 10-19

    6663-nanners 10-19

  11. turtlshell

    Decal Winners

    Of course this comes from the sour taste of defeat...but I think those that won should post pictures of their Decals on their rigs.:way:
  12. turtlshell

    nicerack scores big

    that things got some tine length...love the kickers, too:way:
  13. turtlshell

    Big Buck Chuck

    Even quickly guessing on the high side, with 10" 2's and 3's, and a 20" spread (which he doesn't have) i still came up shy of 160...and he will too Trust me, he's still an awesome buck with awesome character...and would eat my arrow everyday of the week if he walked past. Shoot him and let us...
  14. turtlshell

    Moon Phase related to Rut

    Yeah, this is the hardest time of the year to stay patient. It will be getting better soon...just don't burn out your spots before it gets good. Let the neighbors do that:way:
  15. turtlshell

    Moon Phase related to Rut

    I agree that weather will have more of an influence. I'm not planning anything different based on the moon phase. looking back at my notes shows that the last time we experienced a late 2nd full moon was 2007. The weather that year was cold towards end of Oct. and hunting was great...then it...
  16. turtlshell

    Return Trip from Joe Meder

    sweet buck, Chris...and another awesome mount from Joe. I really hope to connect with my target buck this year and give Joe some business:way:
  17. 6663-pict0473


  18. 6663-buckwhat


  19. 6663-hawkeye 2012

    6663-hawkeye 2012

  20. turtlshell

    New cruiser bucks??

    Where I hunt the crop fields are a large determination factor. About the time the corn goes out, the bucks come in:way:
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