Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. turtlshell

    SoDak Success [VIDEO]

    great work Thomas...you sure have some a long way from the Iowa Giants days...Well done, can't wait to see the finished products :way:
  2. turtlshell

    New Whitetails, Inc. Web Show – One Last Chance

    Last I checked those tags are anysex tags, so if you've eaten six buck tags...perhaps you should consider using them on does, then you won't have to buy tags for the late rifle shed-buck season:way: Eating tags is part of management. I've consumed five tags over the last three years (I'm not a...
  3. turtlshell

    Okoboji/Spencer Area

    My uncle and aunt live in Everly. He was the head of the utilities in Spencer for years. Spencer, used to, put on the best Ducks Unlimited banquet each year. They were notorious for raffling off approx 40 guns a year. I was lucky enough to turn $100 into a semi-auto 12 gauge in 2000. those...
  4. turtlshell

    Someone tell me Im not crazy

    Limb said it, you controlled what you could. It's part of hunting free-ranging animals. When they have that kind of potential you always have HIGH HOPES that they'll survive. Three out of the four deer I passed this season, hoping they'd live, got shot...so I know what you're feeling. Don't...
  5. turtlshell

    Private Property - Remove Stand Please.

    well I pretty much just wasted my lunch hour trying to help you out. I started on page 55 and worked my way to page one. Never saw the post in the Iowa Whitetail Conference...maybe it was else where or I'm dreaming. sorry man, I tried.
  6. turtlshell

    Private Property - Remove Stand Please.

    You may want to look through the archives on here for potential leads then, because I'm fairly sure these same aerials were posted during season by someone asking where to hang a stand. I remember thinking the area around one of the stands locations was pinpointed as a great spot to hang. I'm...
  7. turtlshell

    Private Property - Remove Stand Please.

    not sure if it was Sauer or not, but I clearly remember someone posting the "OVERALL AERIAL" photo during bow season and asking where they should put up a stand. For the record. A guy I work with decided to yank some stands off a fenceline because the way they were hung too close to his stand...
  8. turtlshell

    2012 PMA Turkey Contest Prizes

    man alive, as if waiting for the season to open with this weather isn't tough enough, now I have to single out the biggest bird so I have a chance at one of these amazing prizes. Thanks to everyone who's contributed, it will be awesome to see how the contest progresses. I just hope i don't let...
  9. turtlshell

    Iowa Morel Report

    you can use them anyway you'd use other mushrooms. They're excellent fried in butter with some onions (top'em over a steak). Of course they taste like chicken:drink1:...actually they have a great mushroom/nutty flavor.
  10. turtlshell


    pretty much my point, dude. I try to remind people every year that going out and finding the first single shroom that grows means pretty much nothing. Wait (3-5 days with these conditions) and your efforts will be more rewarded. Then again, I don't mind the early birds going out there and...
  11. turtlshell


    my observations are in line with everyone else. All the indicators are pointing to finding shrooms in March, which is completely unheard of. I have an indicator tree on ISU campus that I always use as my 'launch pad'...he'll hit full bloom next week (maybe even this weekend). It seems stupid to...
  12. turtlshell

    Public Land Slobs...

    no doubt...20 posts, all on this thread. Hawkjosh, i'm pretty sure i meant the WI law is STUPID! Why should people have to pack their stands out each time they leave public ground? Think about how that stupid law would affect ladder stands. If the dip$hits (as they were previously described)...
  13. turtlshell

    Buck in a Tree Larger Photos

    I wonder how the BUCK that happened?
  14. turtlshell

    Public Land Slobs...

    2nd the terrible idea of adopting the WI law. I went to college for wildlife management, worked for county and state parks, even worked for the IDNR on a 14,000 acre chunk of public land, and for Missouri Dept of Conservation on a 20,000 acre piece of public land. After two years, I was so sick...
  15. turtlshell

    check it out

    pretty sweet video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSR1hvmvA_0&feature=related ENJOY
  16. turtlshell

    iowa deer classic live

    couldn't agree more.
  17. turtlshell

    Live from the Classic - Racks

    same thoughts here:way:
  18. turtlshell

    dnr deer #'s

    two things stick out to me. 1st - they're not taking into account the lack of sucess of the reporting harvest. We all know plenty of guys (primarily shotgun hunter) who "whack and stack" and don't report chit! Seems to me that if they weren't worried about the population or Farm Bureau was...
  19. turtlshell

    The Gov and Drury's together ??

    yeah, don't get me wrong...I agree with you 100%. I'm just saying at least Brandstad go out of the office, do you think Big Fat Chet Debt would've? I know it's a wolf in lamb's skin scenario...and I support IBA:way:
  20. turtlshell

    The Gov and Drury's together ??

    so if our governor had shot a doe would that make it better? I think it's pretty cool he's a hunter/went hunting. A lot better than having a desk-jockey who is completely dis-interested in the sport. That said, I agree, I don't think he got the "real" insight into the actual deer population by...
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