Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Search results

  1. msalow

    7r old Morgan Wright Connects

    Great Job!! The smile says it all!!
  2. msalow

    2012/2013 Doe count

    Got one during handicapped hunt
  3. msalow

    Most Overrated Hunting Personality

    why wouldn't they push the sponsors things I have a friend that approched Lee & Tiff. for his fertlizer product and was told they wanted $150,000.00 each to mention it.
  4. msalow

    Private Property Invasion

    Great Entertainment Man this is better than the Housewives of Orange County!!! Can't wait for the next episode!!:grin:
  5. msalow

    hatfields and mccoys

    Makes you think what really did start it? Was it the fact that Anse deserted and that Randal went to prison or was it the pig or was it just over jealousy of the Hatfields making the money logging the timber? I kind of agree with the historians that it was over a number of things with greed and...
  6. msalow

    Bear spotted in iowa

    My sister and Brother in law had the bear in front of their house last week they live on Hwy 18 about 2 miles west of Fredericksburg. Have pictures on her facebook page. Looks like it was a good sized critter. they were a little nervous as the raise dogs at their kennel. But had no problems with...
  7. msalow

    SF 2055 Youth Crossbow Tag

    I would like to know why you(stickbow) want the crossbows only in the gun or ML season? have you ever even shot a crossbow? If you had you would know that they are nothing even close to a gun hell I know that some of the new bows are more effective killing machines than any crossbow. Hell if you...
  8. msalow

    Ryans Gobbler

    Great job!! Nice bird !! It's great that you take the time to get a young man started the "right way" hunting. Congrats to both of you!:way:
  9. msalow

    All done My best ever!!

    Nice bird great story!!!
  10. msalow

    Stolen fishing poles

    I had the same type of thing several years ago with my hunting stuff night before 1st deer season at work 2nd shift came out to find pickup broken into and everything gone gun shells boots clothes binos camera what pissed me off the worst was the new boots still in the box. but all was covered...
  11. msalow

    Custon Built Fishing Rods

    I will offer a 15% discount to all Iowa Whitetail members on any rod I have in stock. I will also offer a 10% discount to any custom built rod that I will build to your specs. Just pm me for more details.:way: Mike
  12. msalow

    Custom built fishing rods

    Fishing Rods Would you gys like to see some of the other rods I have made? I do have a few built that are for sale if anyone is interested just pm me and I can send you some pictures and prices
  13. msalow

    2012 PMA Turkey Contest Prizes

    It's Done!! I just came from the shop after putting on the final coat of polymere on the feather inlays. I must say that even I'm impressed with my work:o I will try to post some pictures in a couple of days after it completly dries. If I have problems getting the pictures posted I guess I will...
  14. msalow

    Slug gun

    I use a Remington 11-87 with a full rifled barrel and kill em out to 150 yrds no prob with Winchester slugs
  15. msalow

    Custom built fishing rods

    Started putting it together a couple of days ago started wrapping the guides last night but I think I will be taking it off and trying another color I tried Candy Apple red with silver trim but I don't like it with the turkey feather inlay. I might try a Ginger or Light brown and see how it...
  16. msalow

    Custom built fishing rods

    I have started building custom fishing for sale in the past couple of years I have been building for family/friends for over 20 yrs now retired and have more time to spend on it. PM me for more details Mike:way:
  17. msalow

    Turkey Hunting Poll

    This will be my first attempt with a crossbow I have gotten a lot with a gun but first time w/ bow we will see how it goes.
  18. msalow

    2012 PMA Turkey Contest Prizes

    Muddy, Mike Salow here I'm not a member but I would be willing to donate a custom built fishing spinning rod with turkey feather inlay on the rod with a split grip and minama guides. also if winner would like I can place their name on it also but someone will have to pick it up or the winner...
  19. msalow

    layout blind

    Don't know where you are at I have a Finial App I bought a couple of years ago and due to a back injury cant hunt it anymore it has been used twice. I will sell it for $185.00 I live near Cedar Rapids
  20. msalow

    IL turkey

    Super Job!! Nice Bird!!!!!
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