I have to say something about your thoughts on ATV's I know that you are right in most cases but I have to say it's not true in all.
If it wasn't for my ATV I wouldn't be able to hunt at all!! In 2000 I damaged my back severing nerves that control he motor movement in my right leg below the...
I thought about this too. But I think the landowner knows that the kid is a thief and he is the type of guy that won't put up with this I also have done a lot of repairs on has tractors, chainsaws ect. that would cost him a lot of money to have it done in a repair shop. He is from the old school...
Today I go to my hunting area to try to fill a doe tag get to my stand find the seat gone screw in steps that I hang bow, binos, ect gone. This really pi##e# me off. I share this area with another hunter (in his 20's) I have never set eyes on him but the landowner's son has given him the ok to...
What a terrible thing to happen I also think that responsibility is the thing that helps the most "BE SURE OF WHAT YOU ARE SHOTTING AT & WHAT IS BEHIND YOUR TARGET"
My prayers go out to this family and esp to the father no one can even imangine what he must be feeling.
truely a heart...
I have hunted that area years ago I would set all day if you can stand it. there will be a lot of deer moving around so stay planted I have shot some very good bucks there also. my best from this area is a 158 5/8ths 10 pt. shot second gun season weighed 252 lbs field dressed. I had set almost...
DL you are a great friend for sure I feel the same way as you I get more out of putting a good friend in a stand where I think he has a great chance @ killing a good one For me I have killed my share of bucks not all P&Y but all trophys to me so I get more out of setting up a friend than...
This evening comming from Cedar Rapids saw a pig of a buck breeding a doe in a bean field on I-380 north of town another doe with them (possibly waiting her turn? ) Of course didn't have the camera it's in the truck. Its the second time in 25 yrs of deer hunting I've seen this. Pretty cool!!
Don't take this the wrong way but you and your buddies could get in trouble for using cell phones while deer hunting I know of some guys that did that last year shotgun hunting it cost them some money and they lost hunting priveliges this year
Not that I think you used it wrong just a warning to...
I started using American Pioneer last year and love it to deathit shoot good in my knight has great acc. and is very easy to clean but what I like about it the most is I can shoot easily 50 shots at the range and have no problem loading I tried the 777 pellets and after a couple of shots had to...
We bone them out marenaite in Zesty Italian dressing for a couple of hrs cook on med. heat grill until med rare or med depending on your preff. last time we made these at a wild game feed they never made it to the table the guys ate it as fast as it came off the grill
Sorry to hear of your dads passing keep your chin up and it will get better try to think about all the great times you had together
all our prayers are with you and your family
Sadly I had a very simalar thing happen a few yrs ago the night before gun season I worked second shift then was leaving after work to NE iowa to hunt w/ family went to my truck found the drivers window broken out and all my stuff gone. called my insurance agent to find out that I was covered...
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