Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. stickbow98

    Skyline Apparition or Horizon?

    Hi Kat..."waving back" Apparition gets my vote as well! Bring on the cold...IW's "Hardcore Huntress" will be ready for it!!
  2. stickbow98

    Kodiak Bows

    It's just a matter of time, before they put the "arch" BACK into archery and start seeing all the fun they've been missing and realizing you don't need a peepsight, release and a stabilizer to kill a deer at 15 yards! It's not about how far away you can hit 'em, but how CLOSE you can get before...
  3. stickbow98

    Jays self bow

    Only a true artisan can see what's really hiding inside of a tree!
  4. stickbow98

    Custom recurve bows

    Brandon, Go to tradgang.com or stickbow.com There you will find all kinds of info and links to custom bowyers as well as pics, opinions and experiences with all the various styles and designs. Good luck with your search, you're in for a fun ride!
  5. stickbow98

    Ameristep Treestand Recall

    Heads up to everyone.... http://www.treestandcustomerservice.com/7300-7310.htm
  6. stickbow98

    Red Dot scopes

    Never put one on my slug gun, but do have one (aimpoint) on my Benelli SBE and love it! Just put that red dot on his neck and Ol' Mr. Tom is done...nothing faster or easier to see. (just always remember to pack an ex. battery, it's easy to forget to turn them off in the excitement sometimes)
  7. stickbow98

    Double Bull Matrix Magic...

    Way to go, Limb.! Man, I still can remember when "Bull" in a story was a BAD thing...now we all want it, take pictures of it and give it praise for making happy endings!!
  8. stickbow98

    Wingbone calls

    It's pinned to the top of this conference...5th one from the top, entitled: "want your own wingbone call?" (posted by teeroy)
  9. stickbow98

    Hammer Time

    Congratulations!! Great advertisement for Double Bull Blinds... "Not even Jennifer Love Hewitt can see a GHOST if He's hiding in a Matrix!! LOL!
  10. stickbow98

    A look at my decoys!

    Jeez Muddy, I've called in and KILLED birds in less time than it must take you to set up that flock of dekes you got out there!! Good lookin' setup though... I can't imagine any Boss Gobbler in the area allowing allowing a mere jake to even LOOK at such a buffet of babes, let alone get near...
  11. stickbow98

    Tuning Broadheads

    Ahhh...the joy of instinctive shooting! If it ain't hittin' where I'm looking, then I must not be lookin' hard enough in the right place-- It's just that simple!! I only shoot one arrow at a time, then move to a different spot. No "grouping" for me....the only way I'd ever get a Robin Hood is...
  12. stickbow98

    Tuning Broadheads

    Only concern I'd have is my broadhead not penetrating better than my field points!! Other than that, it looks like there'll be pork for dinner!
  13. stickbow98

    Traditional Bummer

    Great looking job...You should get in the "restoration" business!! She looks as good as new...hope this time she lasts even longer than the 1st time around!
  14. stickbow98

    New Old Bow

    Once you taste success with the traditional gear....you'll be hooked! Good luck!!
  15. stickbow98

    Double Bull Back Pack

    Sorry about that Matt...I'd just awoke after recovering from a double shift (night shift into days is a KILLER!) when I posted, and have no idea why I even put a name in there. I have a tough enough time remembering the names of people I actually KNOW these days!! It's hell to get old, those...
  16. stickbow98

    Double Bull Back Pack

    Just thought I'd report...I found my LL Bean treestand backpack and it works GREAT w/ my Double Bull T-5 Recurve Blind! (One heavy mutha!) I really like the way it rides dead center on my back and leaves both of my hands completely free. It is MUCH more comfortable than the strap across the...
  17. stickbow98

    Double Bull Back Pack

    [ QUOTE ] Here is an interesting option as well... for $20 I may own one... just cause... treestand backpack [/ QUOTE ] Hmmmmm....Now there's an idea, Limb! I've got one of those things somewhere, had it for years and never gave it a thought as a carrier for my DB! Guess I know what...
  18. stickbow98


    Well, with more than 2 dozen gobblers down now with traditional archery equipment, I still advocate the spine shot. Hit 'em there and that's where they will stay! I use big broadheads like Snuffers and feel string trackers are the best insurance for any misplaced shot bird that has any chance of...
  19. stickbow98

    Thumbhole stocks

    I have the Omega w/ the thumbhole stack, it's quickly becoming my favorite muzzleloader! Very accurate and comfortable shooting, and the stock design definetly helps with recoil and trigger control.
  20. stickbow98

    Equiptment Review (Archery)

    55# Schafer Silvertip, 29" Sitka Spruce arrows fletched w/ (4) 5 1/2 parabolic feathers and tipped with 125 gr. 3 bl. Wensel Woodsman broadheads. Lightweight, silent, simple, and effective.
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