Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Ghost

    I love windy weather!

    Great job Paul! :way:
  2. Ghost

    "The Halloween Ghost"

    Great Job Eyad! :way:
  3. Ghost

    Tanner's first deer!

    Like Father like Son!!! Great job Tanner and Troy! :way:
  4. Ghost


    Nice work Justin! :way:
  5. Ghost


    Nothing to add here...thanks for some good lunch time reading. :way: Sure are some smart fellers on the site now... :grin:
  6. Ghost

    Big Cese Drops the Hamma

    Great job boys! :way:
  7. Ghost

    Oink Oink

    Went to Texas hog hunting in February...it's a total blast! Have fun Perry!
  8. Ghost

    Kansas Triple Stomp

    Nice work boys! Looks like fun! :way:
  9. Ghost

    Throat punched one in Nebraska

    Glad to see your still kick'n. Looks fun and great job!
  10. Ghost


    Holy Crap.....don't want to hit the Maker's Mark before starting that sweet bandsaw work.
  11. Ghost

    Allison's mount is back!

    Congrats again Allison! Great job with the kids Wayne!
  12. Ghost

    239 inch 2nd Season Shotgun Buck

    Awesome Buck! Looks familar!
  13. Ghost

    Boiling Skulls?

    I use metal 5 gallon buckets like deck sealer comes in. The key is to not over boil the skulls. Bring to a boil, then back off to a simmer for 1.5 hours, and then finish with a high pressure srayer. If they are fresh they will dry really white with no other work involved.
  14. Ghost

    What the %%%%^^!^!!!

    This good old boy can't sit at work and be on Iowawhitetail all day long like I used to.
  15. Ghost


    Buck of a lifetime right there! Phone picture wasn't very big...glad you posted the pics here! Congrats!
  16. Ghost

    Fingers dies............

    Congrats Perry!!!
  17. November 14, 2009

    November 14, 2009

  18. November 14, 2009

    November 14, 2009

  19. Ghost

    Got a good one in KS!

    Great Buck, great pictures, and great story! Thanks for sharing with us! It is also awesome to have a friend that gave you the sheds to him...thats a true friend.
  20. Ghost

    2009 Early Muzzleloader Bruiser

    Gotta love all the splits! Cool buck...congrats and way to stick it out!
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