Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Justhunt87

    Gray Wolf Woolens?

    I was wondering what jacket and bibs you you guys use on here from Gray Wolf Woolens? I want something that i will be able to sit all day come November and not get cold. What are you guys using? Thanks
  2. Justhunt87

    Arrow Question

    Go with the .250 spline and 125 head
  3. Justhunt87

    Grey Wolf Woolens?

    I was really thinking about getting me some of this gear. Was wondering what you all thought of this gear. Is he going to be running any deals at the Classic? Thanks Dylan
  4. Justhunt87

    2009 mathews reezen 7.0

    Bow is like new! 60-70lbs 28 inch draw also have 29 inch cam. Bare bow 500.00
  5. Justhunt87

    Slow Going

    Slow here in central iowa.
  6. Justhunt87

    Biggest Buck Ever!!!

    Thats my picture! whats up with that?
  7. Justhunt87

    What Binos to get?

    I'm have a hard time deciding between the Leupold Mojaves and the Vortex Vipers? Any suggestions?
  8. Justhunt87

    Good One

    Id say 170's
  9. Justhunt87

    Hes back!

    Haha yeah he's a superstar!!
  10. Justhunt87

    Hes back!

    Kimbo is back. Ive pry got 500 pictures of him over 2 sites.
  11. Asdf


  12. Asdf


  13. Asdf


  14. Justhunt87

    Scheels Spotting Scope???`

    Leupold all the way!!!
  15. Justhunt87

    preserving velvet

    Put it in your freezer ASAP. It can be injected or freeze dried by your taxidermist!
  16. Justhunt87

    Walleye.....and Pike, lots of them

    Awesome! What lake were you fishing?
  17. Justhunt87

    Gettin it done!

    Good work Shuma!! That combine looks a lil familer!! ;)
  18. Justhunt87

    Gettin it done! Part 2

    Nice shuma and speedo!!
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