Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. KnuckleDragr

    Anyone ever hear of Bovine Virus Diarrhea Virus in wild deer

    Me too. Also see blue urine occasionally. I suspect that is from cedar branches?
  2. KnuckleDragr

    New House

    If you have a pretty good idea of what you want, then I would take that information to each type of contractor to get a ballpark figure on what you can expect to pay. 8 years ago when we built, it was about $100 - $150 per sqft as a general rule of thumb. I'm sure it's more now. That was in town...
  3. KnuckleDragr

    Another AZ Elk Journal

    Syd, Thanks for taking us along on your adventures. It sounds like you are growing up to be the kind of person that all parents hope their children will become. I'm glad that being in the outdoors has helped you learn some great values in life that you will be able to take with you anywhere you...
  4. KnuckleDragr

    Growth of a 3-4-5 Year old

    I also agree with most. 10% or so for "normal" cases. Reminds me of a buck a few years back on our property that was a 2 1/2 year old 10 pt that roughly scored 130. Was an 8 pt in his 3rd and 4th years and finished his life as a 10 pt at 5 years. The whole time his rack stayed at the 130 mark...
  5. KnuckleDragr

    Tumor Buck

    Yikes! I'll bet he just loves jumping fences.
  6. KnuckleDragr

    Killing locust tree's

    I've had excellent results with cutting and covering the exposed stump with Tordon RTU.
  7. KnuckleDragr

    Brand new Mathews z7

    I shoot the Z7 Extreme and love it. Its a smaller bow, but very maneuverable. Especially if you hunt from a blind. I think $500 for brand new is a pretty good deal IMO.
  8. KnuckleDragr

    Our 2014-15 season

    Pretty cool way to give a rundown of a season. Thanks for sharing!
  9. KnuckleDragr

    The Franz buck mount

    What an honor! Fantastic job on the mount, sir! The rack looks like it weighs 30 lbs. Super, super animal!
  10. KnuckleDragr

    2015 Iowa Taxidermy Show and Competition

    I'd like to know as well. Similar situation for me. I had planned on just Fri and Sat. I'd be more than happy to help out, I just didn't plan on staying through Sunday.
  11. KnuckleDragr

    "Fragile", "Good 'Ol Days", "Eratic", "Best in nation", "Under threat", "Balanced"

    Once again I agree with your every word. This is the type of writeup that needs to be sent to the desk of all parties involved in the maintaining of our regs. Legislators, governor, DNR, FB, everyone. Very well said.
  12. KnuckleDragr

    2015 Iowa Taxidermy Show and Competition

    Thanks for the heads up, Brian. I plan on attending for the first time this year. Although I won't have my piece ready for this year, I do look forward to seeing everyone else's work, and catching a few seminars as well. Should be a good time.
  13. KnuckleDragr

    New bows

    If I were you I would hold on to your XT; or set aside as a backup if you do decide to upgrade.
  14. KnuckleDragr

    Whole Venison Jerky Marinade

    Pretty darn close to what I do. Add a 1/4 cup red cooking wine to the mix and see what you think.
  15. KnuckleDragr

    Military... considering retiring in IA

    I always joke around in saying that ticks keep my standards high. Every deer I've shot in my best area has been covered in them. So if I am going to bring a deer home and get ticks all over me, my gear, my truck, in my garage, and the occasional biter, then that buck had better be a good one!
  16. KnuckleDragr

    Military... considering retiring in IA

    First off thanks for your lifetime of service! As for your question, I don't personally know anyone who consistently has 200" deer to hunt. Key word being "consistently". I'm actually surprised that you mention those opportunities in WA state. Just don't hear much about trophy whitetails over...
  17. KnuckleDragr

    6x6 The Legend Continues

    What a brute! Love to see what he becomes this year. Good luck with sheds, and keep us posted.
  18. KnuckleDragr

    Planting in corn stubble?

    Is the field to be planted again this year? If so maybe the farmer can run his equipment through there like he is going to do to the rest anyways and leave that portion alone afterwards. That way at least the stubble and residue is worked in for you. If not try to find someone with a ATV plow...
  19. KnuckleDragr

    2014 Bow Buck is Back!

    Congrats on your first mount! Looks great!
  20. KnuckleDragr

    2014 Bow Mount Back

    Great looking mount! Looks very nice over the full body as well!
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