<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> There are 4 too many libs in the court </div></div>
I couldn't agree more.
I've used a single pin setup for years and can't do it any other way now. I bought an Apex Atomic Single Pin Sight this year and am very happy with it. It comes with a light as well. $49.99 at Bass Pro. Super light weight as well.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Aim-n-High</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Dang i kinda feel sorry for the poor guy. RUN WYLIE RUN </div></div>
Same here. Never thought I'd feel sorry for a Coyote.
I've used the Whisperflite since 2006 and am 100% satisfied with it. Very inexpensive compared to others on the market and 100% reliable and very quiet. I bought mine used off ArcheryTalk.com to see if I liked it and have never taken it off my bow.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Kansasdeerslayer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I had all the same problems you did, and came to the same conclusion you did. Keep it simple, go back to fixed blades. </div></div>
DITTO!! I made CONTACT with a really...
I was told once by a dog trainer that you should always give your dog a two syllable name as opposed to a single syllable. Reason being is all commands are (or should be)one syllable and it's easier for them to distinguish the difference.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> 2nd, I thought the six pins would be way to confusing to me.</div></div>
Geez! I'm still shooting one pin 'cause any more is way to confusing.
Every deer I ever killed "were all they were ever gonna be".
JB has some killer deer on his videos but like you all have observed, pretty useless in a real world scenario. Besides he has that knucklehead Jimmy Houston on the couple that I have seen and that's all I need to never watch again.
Re: Looking to purchase my first bow. Seeking advi
Just buy one. Who cares what it is, they're all a technical marvel these days anyway.
Any bow is better than no bow at all. That being said, I really love my Ross and would buy another one.
So the cost of the tags will remain the same since they reduced the price to $50.00 for an antlerless tag. The number of NR tags will increase to 12000 from 6000 with a maximum of 35% archery tags. Kill more deer for the same price. Sounds good to me. Hunt early season for does, hunt the rut for...
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