Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Rackaddict

    Sylvester and tweety

    Cool pic!
  2. Rackaddict

    Anyone hunt with a Dren LD?

    All we had for years were long ATA bows and they were great to shoot. Don't see any reason not to hunt with one.
  3. Rackaddict

    Finally did it!

    Wow! Great looking setup!
  4. Rackaddict

    DC Gun Ban Struck Down

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> There are 4 too many libs in the court </div></div> I couldn't agree more.
  5. Rackaddict

    Single Pin Sight

    I've used a single pin setup for years and can't do it any other way now. I bought an Apex Atomic Single Pin Sight this year and am very happy with it. It comes with a light as well. $49.99 at Bass Pro. Super light weight as well.
  6. Rackaddict

    allah, or jesus?

    Teeroy, regardless of the accuracy of the events, the theme is accurate. I appreciated the post. Thanks for sharing.
  7. Rackaddict

    A True Hunter!

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Aim-n-High</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Dang i kinda feel sorry for the poor guy. RUN WYLIE RUN </div></div> Same here. Never thought I'd feel sorry for a Coyote.
  8. Rackaddict

    Need a new String.

    Crackers is the ONLY way to go!
  9. Rackaddict

    How old are you????

    Me, 43....for another week anyway.
  10. Rackaddict

    Half poodle,Half yote

    Just like 5 year olds, yotes get a little squirmey when they hear the clippers fire up. Mike is right, I'm on to another sleezy profession now.
  11. Rackaddict

    Good Drop Away rest

    I've used the Whisperflite since 2006 and am 100% satisfied with it. Very inexpensive compared to others on the market and 100% reliable and very quiet. I bought mine used off ArcheryTalk.com to see if I liked it and have never taken it off my bow.
  12. Rackaddict

    RAGE Broadhead, MAJOR CONCERN!!

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Kansasdeerslayer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I had all the same problems you did, and came to the same conclusion you did. Keep it simple, go back to fixed blades. </div></div> DITTO!! I made CONTACT with a really...
  13. Rackaddict

    Help me name my dog

    I was told once by a dog trainer that you should always give your dog a two syllable name as opposed to a single syllable. Reason being is all commands are (or should be)one syllable and it's easier for them to distinguish the difference.
  14. Rackaddict

    Why six pins?

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> 2nd, I thought the six pins would be way to confusing to me.</div></div> Geez! I'm still shooting one pin 'cause any more is way to confusing.
  15. Rackaddict


    I tried some and didn't care much for them. They shot okay but they were noisy.
  16. Rackaddict

    Jack Brittingham Video

    Every deer I ever killed "were all they were ever gonna be". JB has some killer deer on his videos but like you all have observed, pretty useless in a real world scenario. Besides he has that knucklehead Jimmy Houston on the couple that I have seen and that's all I need to never watch again.
  17. Rackaddict

    Looking to purchase my first bow. Seeking advice.

    Re: Looking to purchase my first bow. Seeking advi Just buy one. Who cares what it is, they're all a technical marvel these days anyway. Any bow is better than no bow at all. That being said, I really love my Ross and would buy another one.
  18. Rackaddict

    SF2127 Non-resident hunting

    So the cost of the tags will remain the same since they reduced the price to $50.00 for an antlerless tag. The number of NR tags will increase to 12000 from 6000 with a maximum of 35% archery tags. Kill more deer for the same price. Sounds good to me. Hunt early season for does, hunt the rut for...
  19. Rackaddict

    And i thought i was desperate

    I think I'd rather hunt the old fashioned way without the aid of a "rag bag". YUK!!!
  20. Rackaddict

    Beau Hunter Weichers

    Congratulations Andy (and to your wife) He's a handsome little guy.
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