Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Rackaddict

    Great Day is an understatement

    HOLY COW! What a freakin' STUD BUCK!! Congratulations!!!
  2. Rackaddict

    My 07 Bow Buck (21 pt)

    Heck yea! Love that buck! Congrats man that things a beast!!!
  3. Rackaddict

    Dad finally connects on a good one!

    Hey that's great. Congratulations to all of you on a job well done.
  4. Rackaddict

    The Black Bow

    Jay you certainly are a tinkering rascal. When you get to retirement age and have all sorts of free time you'll be force to reckon with.
  5. Rackaddict

    Arrow whip

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: teeroy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">or, occasionally, you over grip, or torque the bow at the shot </div></div> That was my thought as well.
  6. Rackaddict

    doemower75 drops a big one

    Youser! That's a stud! Things look like they're heating up.
  7. Rackaddict

    Scottonbuck unleashes the stick flicker

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JNRBRONC</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm guessing you'll find 100 inches there! </div></div> Ditto that! Nice buck.
  8. Rackaddict

    Friday Night Bow Kill

    Congratulations! Glad you stayed after him and made the recovery. Good job!
  9. Rackaddict

    Age and Score Please

    No way could I pass that one up. That's a beautiful buck. Gotta' be in the 160's.
  10. Rackaddict

    Helpful tip for carrying Lone wolf sticks up tree!

    Re: Helpful tip for carrying Lone wolf sticks up t Looks like a good solution. I've been using a piece of rope with a loop every 3 feet that hooks around the versa button. Then one that hooks to the stand on the end.
  11. Rackaddict

    Checking the scrape

    Looks like a great time out with the boys.
  12. Rackaddict

    Good shot

    Wow! A fat Korean guy! Never seen one of those before. He looked like he had a pack of hotdogs on the back of his head. Okay, okay....I guess it was a fairly decent shot.
  13. Rackaddict

    Not proud of myself tonight

    Good Luck in the morning!
  14. Rackaddict

    Fletch nails a good one...

    I keep looking at the photo and imagining it's me holding that huge rack! Awesome Buck!!!
  15. Rackaddict

    Anyone tried these? (Turbonock/Accuvane)

    I had some given to me to try once, I gave them back. They we're very loud and dropped my shots about 4" over conventional vanes. I think the brand was FOB, (Fletching Only Better),or so they claim.
  16. Rackaddict

    shrek1's daughter pops one... belated post

    Congratulations! Gotta love it when you see those big smiles!!
  17. Rackaddict

    Hog of a Buck

  18. Rackaddict

    The Devil Bow

    I like it!
  19. Rackaddict

    Summerset buck! Possible new state P&Y record

    [ QUOTE ] Bungee strapped to a 4 wheeler sittin' in front of a trailer. Classic. I'll bet it's complete with the polyester curtains and the redwood deck. Nice deer though, very nice. [/ QUOTE ] Probably his huntin' cabin on a 2000 acre paradise. I'd take it.
  20. Rackaddict

    The Big 8 is down!!

    Very nice!
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