Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Thedeerhunter

    July/Aug/Sept 2018 Trail Cam pic contest

    Yep his g4s were just starting to form...they will probably end up being just an inch or two or three hopefully....not too shabby I was thinking!
  2. Thedeerhunter

    July/Aug/Sept 2018 Trail Cam pic contest

    Saw this deer July 9th ran a few minutes of video....here’s a picture of the screen lol
  3. Thedeerhunter

    Cuddeback f series cameras

    I just wanted to post my findings with these newer cuddeback cameras. I personally buy the cheaper cameras because they end up stolen in the end most often before they stop working. In the past I used cuddeback ambush and attack cameras almost exclusively as I found them very reliable. I could...
  4. Thedeerhunter

    Spraying apple trees

    I’ve had very good results with liquid sevin spray concentrate....I use to use bonide fruit tree spray but many of the Apple trees didn’t show a liking to it and as the sprayer get low the concentration of the spray would get more potent as the bonide doesn’t like to stay mixed very well. The...
  5. Thedeerhunter

    Tagged out now need a miracle

    Here is the left antler that has the G3 broke off(its missing from both sides) and I believe the deer had split thirds from the way the breaks are....the right antler with the split g2 should make this deer somewhat easy to identify
  6. Thedeerhunter

    Tagged out now need a miracle

    Davis county near unionville
  7. Thedeerhunter

    Tagged out now need a miracle

    I'm a new member on here and haven't had much to post yet....but this year turned out to be a blessing. I moved to Iowa last spring for work. Well I was fortunate to take the biggest buck of my life! It ended up happening in Davis county particularly in the unionville area...I am just wondering...
  8. Thedeerhunter

    Tagged out

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