Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Mn Fatties

    Mn Fatties

  2. Mn Fatties

    Mn Fatties

  3. Mn Fatties

    Mn Fatties

  4. Mn Fatties

    Mn Fatties

  5. Mn Fatties

    Mn Fatties

  6. Mn Fatties

    Mn Fatties

  7. Shoot2Kill

    Tower blind questions

    Very cool post, that thing looks sweet! Bloodhoundhandler has one of these blinds...probably one of the best I've ever seen. Like a little mini house on stilts in the timber.
  8. Shoot2Kill

    Bruisers, Huge NT Must see!

    Good grief, if I remember the right pic, that buck in the 2nd pic has a brute of a blocky ol' body. Wow. Nice pics man!
  9. Shoot2Kill

    Fishing,,,for a tractor?

    Holy smokes! I bet that tow truck driver had a good laugh that night....there can't be many other jobs that make a guy do the Tim Taylor grunt like being able to pull a totally submurged tractor and bailer out at once. :D
  10. Shoot2Kill


    This thread has been completely comical and that post by Skip made me laugh outloud and people at work think I'm crazy. :D Sign me up for a case of 1995 Realtree Dog Turds and an Ozonics and I can't wait to see what my arrow brings down this fall. :D Who is going to come out with the scent...
  11. Shoot2Kill

    my new beaver

    Exact scenario I ran into as well. This guys timber around his swamp looked like windstorm blew all the trees down...total cluster F in there. He was begging me to teach him how to use a 330 - he wanted revenge in a bad way....could have prevented it had I been allowed to set when I wanted to...
  12. Shoot2Kill

    Kansas Hunt

    Holy crap now that's a hunt! Congrats guys!
  13. Shoot2Kill

    4th season public ground bird

    Hahahaha! The KCD! I can't believe it worked without real legs below it! :D Congrats man!
  14. Shoot2Kill

    Patience Grasshopper...

    great read, congrats!!
  15. Shoot2Kill

    Kansas Eight-Spot

    Great thread man, wow that's a bunch of dead jelly heads! Congrats! Love the barn pics.
  16. Shoot2Kill

    Monday Mornings Hunt

    Holy @$%@#$%!! That video is rediculous! I love it when the line of paintbrushes is headed right at you..ha! Great footage man, seriously.
  17. Shoot2Kill

    The Trifecta is complete

    Nice! Congrats man!
  18. Shoot2Kill

    MN Turkey...My 1st

    Is that gun the new 870 turkey/waterfowl combo??
  19. Shoot2Kill

    MN Turkey...My 1st

    33 lbs!! They gotta be fat to make it through these freckin MN winters that just won't give up! Nice work man.
  20. Shoot2Kill

    "Midday Magic"-Archery Turkey

    Great story man! Congrats! Totally not dissing your set up at all since it's similar to many others posted so far, I'm just kind of speaking outloud.....this spring there has been so much talk on what "decs" to have out yet so many people are use a giant blinds right next to the decs that...
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