Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Shoot2Kill

    what blinds?

    I just checked out a Rhino Evolution XP a couple weeks ago.....very solid blind. Reinforced in all kinds of places. The shop owner said the company making them is owned by the guy who originally made the DB that was then sold to Primos, etc, etc, and now he's back out making this one (not...
  2. Shoot2Kill

    Snake in the blind!

    hahaha....great story...imagine what that turkey thought when your blind exploded with u going ape shit on that snake....hahaha
  3. Shoot2Kill

    Opening Day Double - new pics n story page 2

    I knew it! You crafty woodsman you. :D
  4. Shoot2Kill

    The Return To Gobby Knob: Day One Double Down (VIDEO ADDED!!)

    Saweeet! Hell yeah man, nice work!
  5. Shoot2Kill

    Great view from the blind...

    Atta boy! Love the upside down bicycle pic! haha! Good lookin' fan on that bird! Congrats man.
  6. Shoot2Kill

    my girls first bird

    Awesome! Great bird! That blind is $$!! Did the trail cam get the kill shot??
  7. Shoot2Kill

    Gunrunr scores a nice gobbler

    Just the one hen dec or was there a jake somewhere around there too? Looks like a sweet set up tucked away! Congrats man.
  8. Shoot2Kill

    Snacky with a bird down after a weasel wiff!

    Set up looks sweet! Love the pic inbetween the decs! Congrats man!
  9. Shoot2Kill

    Kansas Turks... (FINAL HUNT ADDED!!! "Tommy Tags Out")

    :D:D:D:D:D:D .....patiently waiting for video #3 btw Thomas.....and a flippin story to the double yesterday! :drink2: I think this is the longest you've ever gone after killing something and not posting. :D
  10. Shoot2Kill

    Couple more bite the dust

    Ha! Great story. Would have been even better if you'd have dumped him on his way down! :D Could you see him up there in the dark? You must be half man/half cat in the timber to sneak in that close and not have him bust you. :D
  11. Shoot2Kill

    Introducing the New Addition!

    Just got those delivered to me from Alaska! I mounted a set for the same guy when I lived there and he wants them to match and then hang this set at his brothers cabin in MN...pretty cool set, it's got an actual 3rd antler growing out of the left side base. He let them sit outside :thrwrck...
  12. Shoot2Kill

    In Close!!

    HOOKS! Very nice man! Great pics, congrats.
  13. Shoot2Kill

    Introducing the New Addition!

    Levi James joined us on 4/6/11 at 2:40 pm, 8 lbs 3 oz, 20 inches long, and is doing fantastic! We spent 2 days in the hospital and have been home since Friday. Big brother Lane is excited and talks about little brother all the time and keeps talking about all the things he's going to teach...
  14. Lane


  15. Lane


  16. Levi


  17. Levi


  18. Levi


  19. Shoot2Kill

    The "DSD Opener"

    Great pics man, wow. Congrats. Congrats on the little one also. You talked about the feeling of wanting to be around to make sure everything is okay? Wait until you are holding them! That feeling intensifies about 100 fold, it's awesome. :way:
  20. Shoot2Kill

    Another Youth Hunt Brother Double

    Just like last year, I could feel the chills going up my spine as I was getting to the pictures. The feeling a dad must feel when he shares something like that with his sons is truly what life is all about. The pic of the two boys walking away put a lump in the back of my throat when I thought...
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