Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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    Did Bonker get banned???

    You know Bonker, that that will leave a void under that slab someday once they decompose....LOL good thing there is plenty of mesh in that slab!

    Hour log

    Cool, but who is keeping the runnign total on the site here?? LOL Now that would be interesting. How many hours are logged by IW members and how many deer are seen.

    Wisconsin Wolf Hunt is on!

    Idaho has fewer wolves than what Wisconsin claims to have currently and my buddy said you can get 5 tags out there for $150, $30 per tag. Wisconsin is a $10 application fee and $100 tag, Lottery Draw...Idaho is over the counter. Something wrong there. WisDNR I think kept the count down to...

    Wisconsin Wolf Hunt is on!

    http://host.madison.com/wsj/news/local/environment/four-wolves-killed-in-wisconsin-in-hours/article_8bab69d4-17a3-11e2-81d4-0019bb2963f4.html 4 wolves take after first day. A buddy of mine just got back from a Shiras moose hunt in Idaho where he was a successful hunter but also shot 3...

    Face Paint, Mask, nothing???

    Grow a beard every hutning season so I dont have to use a mask or face paint.

    Wisconsin Giant

    247 3/8 - nice seeing an old timer shoot something like this!! This is No. 2 in Wisconsin. Stalsberg - 1998 State Record is 253 and change...from Buffalo....This guy came from Vernon County. This is the State Archery NT record... •Score 243 6/8 •County Fond Du Lac...

    Wisconsin Giant

    I caught a picture of that come through last week as well. Rumors have it, that it will challange for the New State Record NT...now I dont know if that is for Bow only or both Bow and Gun....but who cares right? It sure looks bigger than the Stalsberg buck from a few years ago and i cant...

    So close...(BBD?)

    x2 :way:

    King buck doesn't make it

    Jordan buck is way more impressive than the Hanson, just he shear mass is more impressive! B/C is a load of crap, screw the book! Gross Antler make the animal!
  10. OLETOM

    So close...(BBD?)

    That angle of a shot, I think you could have Femm'd him. He would maybe go 10 yards at most and could be in that corn field. If no exit out the back hip which there probably isnt, you wont have much blood till he fills that paunch up and starts to spill out...but by then he would be dead...
  11. OLETOM

    Ethics (how far is too far?)

    I know allot of people who practice at 50-80 yards. Being proficient at that range tends to make you a better shot at a closer range. But with that being said, I think all of you can not predict the weather conditions at any given time and cannot consistantly, even though you practice...
  12. OLETOM

    Picture of the only way Ozonics works

    Well heck, send me one and I will try it out this year! If it doesn't work I will send it back free of charge and pay the mailing fee too or heck drop it off myself. If it does, then I will buy that one and one more for a buddy to try! But heck, who will believe me? I guess I would need to...
  13. OLETOM

    Mr. Piggy

    Shot this deer last year in Northern Wisconsin....Got a few odd looks when I pulled into Stanley registation station thought.
  14. OLETOM

    Most Overrated Hunting Personality

    Fred Eichler - love when he is out persueing yotes!! Easton Bowhunting is good too. And then there is the one show, cant think of the name of it but it is all DIY hunts and I like that show. All about doing it on your own without the outfitters! Cant stand the one with the two brothers and...
  15. OLETOM

    Mr. Piggy

    Okay Okay I know this is all about Whitetails...but hey this is a four legged animal too! And from the looks of it and pretty decent one. Now I just have to get him coming in before dark so I can put a rage through him. Dad say's I may have to rethink the rug option for this one if I get him...
  16. OLETOM

    Is this a good spot???

    Non worth shooting...I would stay out of there for one more year I think! :D
  17. OLETOM

    Pottawattamie Co. CWD

    I dont care what anyone says. IMO i think all HighFence Operations, Deer Farms, Antler Factories across the US should be SHUT DOWN PERMINANTLY! I believe that is how CWD got is spread and is still spreading. If you look at Wisconsin's outbreaks, they have all be located near highfence...
  18. OLETOM

    bear hunting

    Heck you can do that here in Wisconsin! :way: Good Luck and we all expect pictures! I start my bear hunt hear in Wisconsin next week Wednesday!!
  19. OLETOM

    Polar Bear in Iowa

    What a POS! I mean Pile O Shiet.
  20. OLETOM

    Interesting trail cam pics

    Here kitty kitty kitty.
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