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    Screw You!!!!!

    Maybe someday the Vikings will win a..................Ah, fogetaboutit!! They never will. You ever see a gopher hole that a badger went through?? Vikings suck, but not quite as much as what I am going to shoot on Sept 7th!!

    How many welcome Outfitters in Iowa???

    IMO...Guides will be the end of hunting as a common mans sport. They will turn it into a rich mans sport. Guide are currently driving up the price of Recreational ground for purchase, land that one use to get to hunt from helping someone out on their property or even so much as family farm...

    Dog Attack:

    I dont know, but in Wisconsin, if a neighbors dog tears into another dog, it is cause for putting down the aggressive dog, law. Or at least in our township. As for the bills, Darn right he should be paying for everything. I would definately push to have the other dog put down!

    One nation under God.....

    Pretty much sums it up for me! Time to get back to what the Country was really founded on and what made the country as great as it is! Or was!

    What do you do?

    Had this happen to me two years ago. Had what I thought was a wide open shot at 35 yards but as the arrow was on the way I saw the luminock and fletch kick sideways and ended up right in front of the hind quarters. The buck walked off and I thought heck, rage two blade, I should get that...

    Iowa Nonresident Review

    Well DOGNAMIT! That doesnt help my odds anymore! LOL I have not applied since they raised it and dont care too. I just dont think a whitetail deer is work $600+ in MPO. But I dont knock Iowa for charging that, the demand is there. Maybe someday I will come back but not yet. I can...

    Iowa Nonresident Review

    That same chart also shows that the average person should get a tag every two years roughly! there were 3638 applicants that didnt get a tag last year. Those 3638 applicants should get tags this year! The 6000 that drew last year should be to the bottom of the list and drawn after the 3638...

    Iowa Nonresident Review

    What I noticed was the drop in NR applications for either sex tags. Down about 2600 from 2004. Not a bad thing but I attribute that to your more expensive NR tags now. But again. Your govenor tag does nothing anymore than get a pretty much guarenteed tag to your celeb friend you want to...

    Patiently waiting

    Wow...he looks young too. How old do you think? Another year and some additional mass to him possibly and BOOM!! Dang, he is going to be a slob next year! Oh and yes, like earlier post. WE WANT DAILY UPDATES with PICURES PLEASE!!!
  10. OLETOM

    Des Moines Register Governor Tags Article

    Couldnt agree more Skip!!
  11. OLETOM

    Des Moines Register Governor Tags Article

    "....Harrison, the former DNR staffer, said the country had 40 to 50 hunting shows when the program started, and now upward of 2,100. The attention Iowa gets is “special and valuable,” he said. He has a ready answer for critics of the celebrity hunts. “My response is that (TV hosts) have an...
  12. OLETOM

    CWD Confirmed in North Missouri

    The baiting and feeding has been banned for years in Wisconsin and as far as the ajoining county to the CWD Zone. I agree with it, to help reduce the potential of spreading the disease. I only hope Iowa doesnt go the way of spanking the snot out of the does to the extent of what Wisconsin...
  13. OLETOM

    Hours in the stand...

    Lets see...Had 2.5 weeks off and one of those weeks I had the kids so I was limited to mid day hunts from 9am till 3pm. Days with out kids were all day sits so roughly 10-12 (on stand hour to half hour before shooting light till dark, depending on the stand sit) hours depending if I changed...
  14. OLETOM

    Rumor - New state record?

    Have to keep warm somehow right? What better way than with Wiskey! Oh and a game of football! LOL
  15. OLETOM

    Check out this card pull!

    :grin: Awefully nice of that big one to Pose for you and give you a look at each side before leaving. :way: Very nice, thanks for sharing!
  16. OLETOM

    Bone Crusher - UPDATED pics!!

    Alright, here we go, latest pull. What do you think he will go now after the last update. Here is the link for the first pull. http://iowawhitetail.com/forum/showthread.php?t=39793 And here are the latest pictures!!
  17. OLETOM

    Silenced my Gorilla Climbing Sticks

    What are the specs on that 5MM cord?? What is it capable of holding, weight wise? Tensil strength?? I could not find a spec sheet for it on that order page you linked. I could just be worried about the pressure point at the connection the stick. Even with you standing on the step there is a...
  18. OLETOM

    Bone Crusher is back!!

    It was! That is what I couldnt believe...but my grandpa has been out squirl hunting on the far side of farm so he cudda bumped him. Dead end road n large ridge with all setaside on it so therw is no activity out there at all so to speak. I have only been out there twice since early july to...
  19. OLETOM

    Bone Crusher is back!!

    It we would not have had the 70-80 degree weather last week, I would have already put an arrow through him. So Sunday night he will have a rage through his cage!! Possibly Friday night if the wind is not too bad!!
  20. OLETOM

    Bone Crusher is back!!

    Well he came out and showed himself this year again. After passing on him last year, I might have to take him this year. These two pictures dont do him justice. My friend has two others that really show the mass and tine height as well as main beam length. My guess is Low to Mid 170 from those...
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