that may be the case, but it is sometimes is just between friends. Who has the bigger deer or can shoot the bigger deer and have the most biggest deer adorning their walls. Anyway, I am just saying, SPANK THE SNOT OUT OF THEM!! You cant tell me that when this dude saw that animal and shot...
Personally, anyone caught poaching a whitetail should be fined $100.00 per inch of antler!! That might make someone think twice about poaching! If that but was 180 inches, hurt his pocket book! $18,000!!!! That is one expensive arrow, bullet or what ever! It is all about greed anymore...
People in Waupaca County , Wisconsin have a warped sense of humor.
It must be something in the frustration of the 2009 deer season.
This is HWY K near Ogdensburg, WI
A deer was hit there.
The couch was dumped there previously.
Day two the deer was on the couch.
Day three the end table and...
He got hurt allot way worse than that!!! If I recall, MN might be in the compact between the midwest and western states, where if you are accussed of poaching and you lose your hunting privilages in that state, you lose them in the states are part of this pact! IA and WI are in it as well as...
Here is a question for you, why do people catch and keep paddle fish? For the same reason people in Wisconsin spear sturgeons. Like like to eat them and get money for the eggs. Was he suppose to let that one swim buy and spear a smaller one?
Would you let a booner walk to shoot a smaller...
I have just switched to shooting the rages this year. Have had very good results. Only one arrow was not a complete pass through and I hit a rib with that arrow and it passed through 2/3rds of the the deers body on a severly quartering away shot. With that said, after 5 bounds she snapped the...
If your hunting those beans, be careful of the wind. In extreme cold though I have found that your scent doesn't seem to travel like it does in warmer weather so you can get away with a little more but do like normal and watch that wind. The bucks will especially now after they have been...
Theremax underwear and then over that I have a flanel shirt with pockets I sowed on the back over my kidneys and then again on my shoulders. You then put hand warmers in there and wear your normal cold weather november clothes. If you treestanding, wear a pair of wool pants and your good to...
I think I would spend part of Thursday morning doing some scouting and seeing which fields they hit after the storm passed. Then if any of those bean fields have a wind blown open spot on them check it out. If they don't have to paw through much snow they wont do it and go for the easy...
I guess 4.5. He has a long boddy, but not the roman nose of a 5.5 or older buck. He is starting to get the swaw back and sagging gut too. So, 4.5 is my guess. Maybe 5.5 but 4.5!
I agree with you moosehunter. Would be interesting if they would take off and reproduce. I say if they are in teh Yellow River area, there is a park there correct. Let them be and see what happens. Chances are, they may get the fatale brain worm disease that WisDNR says hold the pop. down...
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