Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. mattbrown1022


    Rattled in 1 small buck and saw 1 small one cruising. Other than that just a few does. Think I'm going to move into the timber and sit off a scrape in the ground blind. Hopefully they'll be moving there even though it's surrounded by standing corn.
  2. mattbrown1022

    Anybody lose a pair of bibs tonight?

    I hunt Ringgold as well. Heading down tonight to sit in the stand all weekend. Let us know how the action is tonight! Where do you stay when you're down there? We should grab a beer some time.
  3. mattbrown1022

    Keeping Stuff in the Tree Stand

    Just a question to hopefully pick up some tips. Where to you all keep your gear while sitting in the stand. Lately, I wear my calls around my neck and keep my range finder in my pocket. Everything else stays in my back pack that hangs on the side of the tree. How about everyone else?
  4. mattbrown1022

    Good Looking Season Ahead

    Afternoon gents. Finally getting around to getting these posted. Looks to be a good year. First is a main frame 8 that has a healthy body. 2nd we have a 12 that I don't think I will ever see, but it's still fun to get pictures of. 3rd is a 10 that I think needs another year but has a...
  5. mattbrown1022

    Has to go down as one of the worst ever!

    I hunt Ringgold, Union, Shelby, and Audubon counties. Overall I've noticed a decline in population in all counties. Shelby has to be the worst from my perspective. A lot of sites this year where I didn't see a thing. This seems to be to be a thing where things aren't going to turn around til...
  6. mattbrown1022

    11/10 Bow Buck

    It's been almost 3 years since I've shot a buck with my bow, but finally got one yesterday morning. Had my decoy set up on a cut bean field about 20 yards from my stand. I rattled the antlers together around 7 and this guy came in around 7:20. Shot him at 20 yards quartering to. He ran about 80...
  7. mattbrown1022

    Scope Trade?

    I'd like to have a 3-9
  8. mattbrown1022

    Scope Trade?

    Do you guys know if Scheels or Bass Pro trades scopes? I have 2 of the Nikon BDC scopes. They are both on guns, but neither gun has ever been shot. I'm not a fan of the BDC and would like to just get the Nikon Prostaff with the NIKOPLEX reticle.
  9. mattbrown1022

    DPMS A-15 for Sale

    20" barrel less than 200 rounds through it.
  10. mattbrown1022

    DPMS A-15 for Sale

    I'd like to sell my DPMS A-15 .223/5.56mm. It has an aftermarket grip and stock. I have a Bushnell Trophy red dock scope mounted on it as well. It comes with 2 30 rd mags, a soft case, and 60 rds of .223. I'm asking 1000.00. PM if interested.
  11. mattbrown1022

    Wyoming Mule Deer Hunt

    Thanks for the help guys. What GPS unit would you recommend?
  12. mattbrown1022

    Wyoming Mule Deer Hunt

    Guys, This weekend I put I entered into the draw for my first Wyoming Mule Deer hunt! We're thinking that we are going to end up hunting Region R. Have any of you fellas ever hunted this region? Looks like we'll be going sometime in October. For the people have been out there, what sort of...
  13. mattbrown1022

    Favorite New Product

    It held up great. No buck ever hit it, but I had multiple bucks with hair up on their neck.
  14. mattbrown1022

    Favorite New Product

    I picked up a Boss Buck decoy this year, don't think I'll ever hunt the rut without it again. It helped in bringind deer in closer, plus it was so fun the watch the deer interact. That alone was worth the price.
  15. mattbrown1022

    Hunting Discovery Thoughts

    While checking traps in high school I found the the remains of a dead infant, it still bothers me sometimes and that was 7 years ago.
  16. mattbrown1022

    Every year

    I'm tired of the bowhunters, shotgunners, muzzleloaders, coon hunters, bird hunters, coyote hunters, and trappers that do things illegally. Every "group" has their bad apples. I wish the DNR had more money for more CO's so the people that do break the law would have to suffer the consequences...
  17. mattbrown1022

    Every year

    That's where we were. Shelby county.
  18. mattbrown1022

    Every year

    We ran inot some people from the city yesterday. The pulled up behind me wanting to know if we had hunted a particular section. I told them yes we had and them yes and asked why? They said they were wanting to walk it themselves. I then asked if they had permission and long story short, they...
  19. mattbrown1022

    Decoy Replacement Parts

    We retraced our route a couple of times and couldn't find it. I'm going to go to BP and see if they can do something for me.
  20. mattbrown1022

    Decoy Replacement Parts

    The tail gate was down and it slid out of the body. Just got off the phone with Flambeau, and they do not sell replacement heads....
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