Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. mattbrown1022

    Decoy Replacement Parts

    Just went out and bought a Boss Buck decoy. I had it for 4 days before I lost the head. :thrwrck: I've already put a call into Flambeau asking if the sell just the parts for it but haven't heard back from them. While I was waiting I wanted to ask..... 1. Has this happened to any of you...
  2. mattbrown1022

    Great Reads, Finally the Truth put out by the Liberal Media.

    Especially since the second articles author was an advisor to John McCain.....
  3. mattbrown1022

    Hour log

    I've got 23 hours so far on 7 sits. Seen a total of around 30 does and 3 bucks.
  4. mattbrown1022

    Can't grow a beard for hunting season???

    I tell you what, some people have alot of time on their hands to think up and make that thing. That said, I'll order mine tomorrow!
  5. mattbrown1022

    Most Overrated Hunting Personality

    I really like watching the Drury Outdoors shows. Can't stand the crush or whitetail freaks. Nothing is better than the movies that the Drury's put out.
  6. mattbrown1022

    Where Were You?

    8th grade English class. Our teacher wheeled the TV into the room and told us to brace ourselves. That day it felt like time stood still.
  7. mattbrown1022

    Nobody talkin trash yet?

    Didn't the hawks win a BCS bowl a few years back? And hasn't ISU upset a few teams in the past years? I'd say that's some stuff to "brag" about on both sides of the aisle.
  8. mattbrown1022

    8/24 Trail Camera Pictures

    I know you guys are probably tired of being asked for scores, but I would really appreciate opinions. If not just enjoy the pictures! First is a deer I've posted pictures of before, I have no idea what he would score but he looks to be pretty mature. This is a deer that I think will get...
  9. mattbrown1022

    Conquest EverCalm

    Just went out to finish getting things purchased for bow season and picked up a stick of this calming scent. Have any of you tried this stuff before? If so, what are your thoughts? Thanks.
  10. mattbrown1022

    So many things wrong about this video

    Well, at least their music deserves an academy award.....
  11. mattbrown1022

    IW Decal Give Away

    Love to have one.
  12. mattbrown1022

    A Look At Life From A Deer Stand

    Just started reading. Saw it in the bookstore and couldn't leave without it.
  13. mattbrown1022


    3 1/2 miles northeast of K-Town? What's your name if you don't mind me asking, I grew up in Elk-Horn.
  14. mattbrown1022

    Drop Tine? Or

  15. mattbrown1022

    Biggest Buck I've Ever Had on Cam 2

    Wow. Top one is a pig.
  16. mattbrown1022

    2012 Trail Cams Choices

    I bought some wildgame innovations in walmart in the spring on clearence for 15$ a piece. They seem to take pictures just fine for me.
  17. mattbrown1022

    Just Curious!

    I like to let mine sit around 2 weeks now and a week or 2 longer when the season gets closer.
  18. mattbrown1022

    Nice Bachelor Group....

    Fun to see them all together, great pic!
  19. mattbrown1022

    7-28 Card Pull

    I'm not sure on his age. This is the first year I've had pictures of him. My guess would put him at 4 1/2.
  20. mattbrown1022

    7-28 Card Pull

    Good Afternoon! Thus far, this summer has been excellent for getting pictures of whitetails for me. 2 weeks ago I posted a picture of a buck who looked a little different and looked like he had some potential. I couldn't focus at work at all on Friday knowing that I was going to be checking...
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