Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. mattbrown1022

    Taking Down Cams

    I leave mine up until the shotgun seasons start. Then I put them back up when they are over.
  2. mattbrown1022

    2011 Trail Cam Pics

    Here are a few of the deer I have on camera thus far. No giants yet, I think these guys need another year. Just thought you guys would enjoy.
  3. mattbrown1022

    Sad times we live in

    God bless the soldier. My brother is in Afghanistan right now, all he talks about when he calls is how much he misses drinking beer and can't stand the thought of missing Turkey season.
  4. mattbrown1022

    What County do you hunt?

    Shelby County mostly, try to get to Ringgold as much as possible.
  5. mattbrown1022

    Big toms or big fish this spring?

    I don't even start thinking about fish until Turkey season is over. Then it's an every weekend ordeal.
  6. mattbrown1022

    im lost

    With the snow blowing in tonight, it should be a good evening to hunt. I'm trying to get out of work at a decent time to make it out there. I've got a great spot where the come out of the CRP and feed into the cut cornfield. Hopefully the crooked 7 I'm after didn't get slugged these past few...
  7. mattbrown1022

    Tonights Snow

    I wish! Stuck at work til 5 everyday til Thursday, but then it's 10 days off to try and get something down. Not sure why but 2nd season shotgun seemed like it last longer than 9 days this year!!
  8. mattbrown1022

    Finally caught a couple!!

    Def. worth the wait!!!
  9. mattbrown1022

    Achery Targets

    I have the Block 4X4 and it is great. I've had it for 3 years now and shoot alot. Still holding arrows like the first day I brought it home.
  10. mattbrown1022

    2009-10 running doe count

    1 with the bow and 2 with the muzzleloader so far. 211
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