Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. MNbuckhunter

    Rough go in SW IA.

    1) You have 1000 acres to hunt 2) You shot a mature buck this year 3) You saw plenty of deer Going back to the point of this whole thread...doesn't sound like it's much of a problem at all. I'd stick it out on that farm. In due time the age structure will go back to normal.
  2. MNbuckhunter

    Cam location selection

    The one thing I will say if you do have cams by your stands is check them after you are done hunting not before. No need to get your scent on them prior to the hunt.
  3. MNbuckhunter

    Retiring hay field

    Yes, I sprayed it with glyphosate throughout summer and then hit it with a mix of gly and oust xp in October. Basically controlled at weeds until middle of next summer when the switchgrass was emerging. Refer to Dbltree corner in he switchgrass thread. It lays everything out for you. I...
  4. MNbuckhunter

    Retiring hay field

    Switchgrass would be awesome by the 2nd year. I did this to a 2 acre open area. Frost seeded switchgrass and had a decent stand the first year and by the second year it was up to my head and very thick.
  5. MNbuckhunter

    Questionable hit

    Good to hear he is still alive. Hope you get another crack at him. Out buddy did what sounded like the same thing on our farm Nov 14th in WI. He was a 5.5 yr old buck we had been watching since age 2.5. Has a less than desirable rack but a true trophy at that age. Our buddy was sick about...
  6. MNbuckhunter

    Missing Paul...

    Was a sad Sunday morning in the tree last year Nov 30th. Thanks for the reminder Daver. I learned many things from Dbltree and still hunt over the rotation he created today.
  7. MNbuckhunter

    Double Split 10

    Sweet buck!
  8. MNbuckhunter

    Late rut to late season tactics -- mid day

    Exactly. We are kind of at that point right now where it is turning to evenings.
  9. MNbuckhunter

    Late Nov Movement

    Yep, this is a very good time of year. The mature bucks seem to be on their feet again around Thanksgiving. Will be out Fri-Sun. Probably going to sit all day for the last hurrah before evening only sits during the month of December. Good luck to all.
  10. MNbuckhunter


    I almost exclusively use the app on my iPhone. Works great for me.
  11. MNbuckhunter

    The Bully

    Nice job Muddy! Great story and great buck to take! Was that a shed below your stand in the hang and hunt???
  12. MNbuckhunter

    North of the border bucks

    Man I missed seeing those Canadian whitetails! Thanks for sharing.
  13. MNbuckhunter

    November movement

    Saw the same thing for this afternoon in my area. Was going to go sit the plots ahead of rifle season in WI tomorrow but with the light and potentially variable winds, would hate to bump deer off the property ahead of rifle season tomorrow. Probably going to let it sit. Plots should be getting...
  14. MNbuckhunter

    Another public land stud

    Dandy buck. Nice job!
  15. MNbuckhunter

    A bit of a rant I suppose...

    Good call Daver! I have been a member on here for almost 4 years and it's crazy the decline in people sharing photos of trail pics and harvests. It seems that there are always people that have an opinion on something rather that just saying "nice buck". It's unfortunate that some people have...
  16. MNbuckhunter

    2015 MO rifle kill

    Black face! Nice buck!
  17. MNbuckhunter


    He looks older than 3 to me. Good one to take. Good luck.
  18. MNbuckhunter

    November movement

    Yesterday was great in our camp. Partially because they just combined our corn on Friday. Mature bucks chasing does hard. Neighbor shot nice buck at 4:15. Moved most the day except 11:30-2:30 for us.
  19. MNbuckhunter

    November movement

    Saw 10 d/f tonight and only one dink buck and he barely pushed around a doe for about 5 seconds then walked off.
  20. MNbuckhunter

    Veterans Day

    Thanks to all those who have served.
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