I would have a hard time believing you can top what you have if you can guarantee a 160-200" deer to pursue yearly...I mean seriously! What more could you want!???? Not trying to be a smart guy.
Here what I've got...
Frost seeded switchgrass this past march and had great weed control (oust & gly prior fall, atrazine in spring). Problem was the switch came in good in some areas but spotty in others. SO, I just got done dormant seeding some more switch into the thinner areas. My question...
You guys don't have it all bad...we've got the same issues going on in MN, except our gun season ran from NOVEMBER 8-16!!!! Yikes! I almost laugh (or puke) every time I think about this.
No need to defend what you did. Many of us appreciate someone who knows their limitations and has great respect for the game we pursue. Truly, that prior comment was just ridiculous.
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