Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. bowhunt44


    Good job! Nothing like sticking one with a bow!
  2. bowhunt44

    2016 Late Muzzeloader Buck

    Good buck! Awesome that you got to spend that time with your daughter.
  3. bowhunt44

    Tagged Out - October 7th!

    Very nice!
  4. bowhunt44

    2016 youth buck

    My goodness that dude is massive! Awesome buck! Congrats to your son
  5. bowhunt44

    November 9th was a good day.

    Very nice!
  6. bowhunt44

    Centerville corn?

  7. bowhunt44

    Centerville corn?

    What about the south central part of iowa?
  8. bowhunt44

    Centerville corn?

    Not sure how many of you are from the Centerville area but what is the corn harvest looking like? Are they getting most of it out or is it too wet?
  9. bowhunt44

    neighbors shed buck

    What a stud!!!
  10. bowhunt44

    Nonresident Draw Results

    Yep. There are many reasons, but I named two. If you change either of those you would see a big difference, especially if they allowed guns during the rut. I envy all of you who live there.
  11. bowhunt44

    Nonresident Draw Results

    I got drawn for Zone 5 with 3 points this year and can't wait for Nov 5th!!!! I'm glad Iowa restricts the amount of NR's that come in. That and no gun season during the rut are two reasons why there are big mature bucks there.
  12. bowhunt44

    Is your area dry??

    Drought doesn't cause it but it is more affective when there is a drought. Also God hears our prayers. Not saying He will answer them the way we want but Elijah prayed for God to send rain during a long drought and He did.
  13. bowhunt44

    Is your area dry??

    Sure praying for the farmers and anyone else who depends on the rain for their income. Also hope it doesn't get bad enough for the deer o start getting EHD.
  14. bowhunt44

    best late season warm clothing

    HEATER BODY SUIT!!! I promise you won't regret buying it. It is the best piece of cold weather gear I have ever had and if the one I currently have ever wears out then I will buy another one. Dress light for the walk in, get in once you are in the stand, then zip up and enjoy the hunt. I...
  15. bowhunt44

    public land encounters

    It was 2009 and I was on my first bow hunting trip to Iowa and I was hunting some public land in SE Iowa. It was my second afternoon of hunting and there was about an hour and a half of daylight left when i hear the unmistakeable sounds of a shotgun between me and my truck. As soon as I heard...
  16. bowhunt44

    Heater body suit....

    I absolutely love mine. I will never buy any more insulated hunting jackets or bibs. They don't even compare to the heater body suit. It is the warmest piece of hunting clothing I have ever worn and it packs up easy also. If you decide to get one get a size bigger for extra room. I talked two of...
  17. bowhunt44

    Sure don't. Wish I could, but I will have to wait until 2015 to come back to Iowa and have to...

    Sure don't. Wish I could, but I will have to wait until 2015 to come back to Iowa and have to save every penny for it so I can't go anywhere else.
  18. bowhunt44

    This is strange...

    Exactly what I was thinking. If you are not used to seeing hog tracks then you could mistake them for deer tracks. My first guess would be hogs. We have them all over the place here and they can cause a lot of damage and run the deer off.
  19. bowhunt44

    can't believe it

    Will be praying for you and the rest of the family.
  20. bowhunt44

    Got my Iowa mount back

    Killed him the second week in Nov.
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