Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. M

    Roller Crimper-Sold

    Selling my 4 ft crimper made by I&J for Drop Tine Seed Company. Like new, less than 10 acres on it. It comes with a 3 point hitch and a brand new, still on the pallet frame to pull it behind an UTV. The frame is red. I ran it on my front end loader with an adapter plate so you will need to...
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    Rye last fall....frost seed clover?

    Would frost seeding this spring succeed in a plot that I planted rye last fall? My thought is the clover wouldn't be able to get established since the rye would take off first. I didn't plant clover with rye last fall because I wasn't intending to go to clover long term in this spot. Thanks
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    Doe Factories

    I want one!! I'm on year 3 of a new farm in extreme North MO and buck sightings seem to dwindle during early to mid November each year before they move back in after peak rut. Each farm has it's own personality and this trait sucks! The only thing I can think of is there is not enough...
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    SOLD-I&J Skid Steer Style 3 point front attachment plate

    I&J attachment plate, like new, 3000 lb capacity. Located in North Missouri about a mile from the IA border. $300 plus shipping if you don’t pick up. Mount a sprayer up front and plant in one pass or run a crimper or roller up front and drill on the back. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Ridgetop Plot-to screen or not to screen

    We have a plot on a ridge top that is very open to the north. It’s hard to tell from this angle but beyond the beans the ground drops leaving the deer very exposed from the north. They can see 250 yds north in some spots when feeding. We own to the north so pressure is only us but I’ve started...
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    Polebarn-Cabin contractor

    Anyone have any recommendations in Southern IA/North MO? Thanks
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    New Plots in hay ground-No Till Drill

    We're going to be putting new plots in hay/cattle pasture ground with a no till drill. Would you just spray a couple weeks before drilling right into the killed sod or spray, work the first couple inches of ground to break up the sod roots, then drill? There seems to be conflicting reports...
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    Plant switchgrass now?

    So my plan to frost drill switch went pear shaped when a foot of snow melted and created mud in a 10 day period. Planting into a a field that was beans last year and have been stratifying my switch via the freezer. Is planting now a reasonable plan if I have it hit with gly/atrazine at...
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    Shawnee Switch vs. Cave in Rock

    Has anyone planted Shawnee Switchgrass? Cave in Rock seems like the standard in the midwest but I recently saw some youtube videos touting Shawnee. I'm going to plant some switch this spring in North MO in an area that can be wet in the spring. Ernst recommended Shawnee over Cave in Rock for...
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    Seeding clover into soybeans...

    We are enrolling a small field into a pollinator mix program the spring 2021, keeping .5 acres out for a food plot. Due to the size and location clover is the logical choice. The field is in beans now. I'm wondering if it would work to sling clover/chicory into the beans this coming...
  11. M

    5' King Kutter Rotary Tiller

    Almost new King Kutter tiller. Less than 3 acres on her and always stored in shed. Lineville IA area but if you have equipment to unload might be able to meet up along Hwy 65 it make other arrangements. $1150.00 Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  12. M

    What is an average buck in Southern IA

    One thing that has really come to light the last few years is how many bucks don’t have the genetics to grow large antlers. I heard a deer biologist on a recent podcast state that 60-70% of the bucks are average antler wise. That leaves maybe 2 or 3 out of 10 that have the goods since some...
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    No till drill but poor results

    Trying to figure why we had poor germination and growth. Lick Creek fall mix was drilled around 9/1, got a couple light rains the week after then 1" on 9/9. Plot was sprayed late July so some of the grasses greened back up at the time of plantting. Gly was sprayed right after planting...
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    Seed rate Lick Creek fall mix planted with no-till drill

    Paul called for 50 lbs rye/50 lbs oats/50 lbs winter peas/5 lbs radish/and red clover if broadcasted. Should any adjustments be made on the rye, oats, and peas if no tilled in?
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    Switchgrass Strategery

    Looking for some strategy input on planting switch to encourage bedding within my CRP. The open areas in the picture were planted to WSG's (switch, big and little blue) back in 2014. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to take and there is little evidence of WSG's at this time. Plenty of other...
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    Drilling into mowed pasture

    I"m trying to justify a no till drill for smallish acreage of plots. I've heard of guys having success drilling radishes into clover that has been mowed super short or set back a bit with Gly. Has anyone had success drilling into pasture that has been hayed or mowed real short but not...
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    Disc versus pto tiller

    I know the best case scenario is some kind of no-till planting but is there any real difference to soil health between running a disc versus tilling just the top couple inches of soil?
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    Targeting 5 year old bucks

    For the guys getting it done on 5 years old and up bucks what stage of the rut are you getting it done? I'm considering moving my vacation back a week and hunting the last 5-7 days of October through very early November rather than the 4th or 5th up to MO gun season unless the weather is a...
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    750W Mid Drive Fat Tire Electric Bike-NEW

    Electric bikes really change the game for hunters. Scent free travel, no more sweating, deer tolerate them much more than a walking cadence, easy to transport between hunting areas, and unlike 4 wheetler you can get them across ditches and ride on. Plus they're damn fun to ride. Brand new...
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    Scrape line rigs

    Anyone using this type of scrape rig that Jim Ward builds? Every one I've put up has been hit hard. Bucks seem to like to be able to get right up under the limbs and work them over and of course they are great for inventory. I'll try to post some pics of bucks on mine when I get a chance.
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