Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. SC IA Farmer

    SC iowa BUST! Theft, trespass & shed poaching…

    Article sums it up nicely & was posted yesterday elsewhere. This happened about 10 miles from me & know the farm they got busted on. This area has been plagued with issues & folks kept coming back too many times.. this time, caught in the act!! BUSTED!! There’s a pile of other guys in...
  2. SC IA Farmer

    Mike Kerr- Mt. Pleasant, IA- watch out

    Yep, this is him (like I said before, 99% sure since there is a mask & I have close up photos).... http://iowawhitetail.com/forum/showthread.php?t=37412 There's another round of pics from other farms all over SE IA, I'm sure many have seen them. ravaging dozens of farms for miles in much of SE...
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