Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Rut Nut

    Iowa Cell Camera rules

  2. Rut Nut

    Albino buck back

    Last year an albino fawn showed up on the farm for a couple pictures then left. He's back now and we will see if he hangs around
  3. Rut Nut

    armadillo in Iowa

    Got this picture today In southern Marion County. I guess there have been a few spotted in the state.
  4. Rut Nut

    Ticks are out

    After a hike in the woods today I had a small tick crawling on me.
  5. Rut Nut

    Bobcat with supper

  6. Rut Nut

    Fawn with a big problem

  7. Rut Nut

    Late born fawn

    I wonder when this fawn was born.
  8. Rut Nut

    Someones disappointed

  9. Rut Nut

    Compare the body size of these bucks

    This is my first time posting a picture on the new system. The big body buck is a 6 point we would like to take.
  10. Rut Nut

    Bow shoot Lake Red Rock

    Just a reminder that Hickory Ridge Bow Hunters are having a 3d shoot Sunday June 20 http://www.hickoryridge3d.com
  11. Rut Nut

    Buck with slug hole

    This buck was lucky. Looks like he should make it.
  12. Rut Nut

    post plus & brassicas

    Is post plus safe for young brassicas
  13. Rut Nut

    Snowy day buck

    I thought this picture was worth sharing.
  14. Rut Nut

    Trophy Ridge Freestyle Rest

    Has anyone used the Trophy Ridge Drop Zone Freestyle Arrow Rest made for finger shooters. web page
  15. Rut Nut

    Tall eight with stickers

    This picture was taken 7-29. This is the first we have seen of him. He actually has very small G4's that I hope will develope some more.
  16. Rut Nut

    Nice wide 10 point

    Just got this wide 10 point off the memory stick today. Looks like a shooter even though he has week brow tines.
  17. Rut Nut


    We have pictures of this buck the last 2 years. He only comes into the edge of our area in the summer and late season. I just got this phot off my VCAM today and thought it was a pretty picture. http://www.iowawhitetail.com/photopost/data/515/1503JERRYS_DEER_013-med.jpg
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