Nice ruger mini 14 shoots .223 or 5.56 ammo. Regular stock and folding stock with 12. 30 rd mags most new in plastic ! Scope mount and 3x12 cabelas bdc scope ! Asking 900 for whole package!
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Pulled my electric fence off my 2 acres of standing beans today . Lil nervous i wont be able to see anything but neck and head when there in there!!!! Real world soybeans!! Im 6ft3 for reference.
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Super nice 6ft planting width grain drill with large and small seed boxes and setting chart for large box. Asking 2850 located near centerville iowa.
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Got a pair of hang on stands im selling older i get less i use hang ons! Pair for 50 bucks ! One has chain attach other has strap.
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It amazes me how many on here are deathly afraid to post summer/fall buck pics on here for fear of someone sneaking in and shooting "there" deer on there farm !! Is it possible to create a anonymous pic thread ???? Im sure lots of people would love to see some of the giants the guys on here have...
Im looking at installing a burried water hole tank on my new farm this spring. My question for anyone whos done this is it ok to use southern iowa rual water ? Or do i need pond water? Wondering if clorine and other stuff in rural water has a negative effect on deer
use?? Looking for experience...
Well as many of you read my prior posts i went through a divorce this past yr and judge orderd my farm i bought in 2018 sold and divided in divorce !! This happend in june! So i started farm shopping and ooooh shit ! Sticker shock!! Prices were and still are insane ! More than double what i paid...
Not sure if this has been coverd here but has anyone had any luck spring planting tillage radish for breaking up ground ? With the dry falls we have had last couple of years in my part of Southern iowa my radish and turnips have not produced bulbs ! So considering planting tillage radish in...
Just been pondering this for awhile ! Anyone else notice a correlation between the guys who are pouring the food on there farms and the number of true giants? Take drury ,lakosky, and bowmar . Just the last 5 yrs since they started putting tons of supplemental feed on there farms look at number...
I thought couldnt get worse than last yr in my part of se iowa but this yr is pathetic!!! Only 2 small rains on my farm since first week of Aug! Just got done spreading 200lbs of rye over the failed brassicas and praying for some moisture next couple of weeks!! Just venting and praying!!
Just wanted to give a heads up to everyone! I closed on a new farm this week and financed thru farm credit and current 20 yr loans are now 8.4 pct on land!! Hoping interest rates will drop prior to election so i can refinance! Just a heads up to anyone looking at land and wondering about rates...
25 gallon fimco sprayer with 10ft folding boom . I also have a seperate pump that needs a pressure switch included asking 325.
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I would appreciate any suggestions on what to do with this ancient old pear tree! Any way to prune / fertilize for better fruit production ?
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Ok question for you guys whats the biggest (gallon wise) you have put on an atv? Im thinking of upgrading to a 40 gallon from my 25 gallon sprayer ? Thoughts?
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