Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Bucksnbears

    Treestand seat material.

    Have got about 15 ladderstands set up and am struggling with them getting wet and squirrels chewing them up. (The seat cushion) You fellas find anything that works well too avoid these problems? All my stands are the type with steel mesh type seats.
  2. Bucksnbears

    Bedding area maintenance

    Winter of 23/24 I spent a good amount of time doing a bedding cut. Picked away for about 2 months. Was very methodical on how it was gonna be laid out. Area size was about 2 acres total. Trees present were ( lots ) of boxelder, some smaller elm, bigger basswood, smaller hackberry, Big Ash and a...
  3. Bucksnbears

    Last falls rubbing post pics.

    A few pics. Overall, from late sept, late Nov, I'm guessing roughly 30 bucks hit it.
  4. Bucksnbears

    A decent deer trail.

    I stopped and took this pic from a bridge right by my place. Should I put up an ice fishing shack and fish n hunt at the same time? Lol.
  5. Bucksnbears

    Ive named her

    " My Little Democrat ". She comes to the bird/ squirrel feeder multiple times a day. She's a little free loader. Comes in, chases off the squirrels after theve done all the work knocking the seeds to the ground. She then walks about 60 yards and beds by a brush pile while watching the squirrels...
  6. Bucksnbears

    2nd real mild winter in a row.

    Rare thing here. Feb 10th 2023, deer were already dieing here from deep snow/ starvation. 3 doe fawns have been feeding under the bird feeder for the past 1/2 hour. Nice sleek fur and nice n plump. (they start getting that fuzzy/ puffed up look when starving) Fun watching them pound the...
  7. Bucksnbears

    2024/25 sheds.

    Let's see your sheds fellas. Went for a coyote walk today. Dang near drove over the 5pt side in a stubble field. Judging 1/2 (at least) the bucks are shed.
  8. Bucksnbears

    The power of browse

    This morning, I cut down 4 small boxelder trees that were growing from a stump from a big tree I cut years ago. They were all leaning in one direction so I dropped them in a pile. Bout 1/2 hour ago, I looked out and there were 6 deer devouring the limb tips. Incredible how fast they zoned in...
  9. Bucksnbears

    God has blessed America.

  10. Bucksnbears

    Smudge fire smoke.

    When hunting at my cabin, I always have a smudge fire going in the burn barrel. Start it about October 20th and keep it going for 3/4 weeks. The wood that I like the best to burn is boxelder,cottonwood,and elm. The punkier, the better for smoke. Also collect bags of leaves from boulevards and...
  11. Bucksnbears

    My favorite trail cam photo.

    Bout 7 years ago, a terrible cold front/ blizzard set in. This fawn layed down in front of my cam and over the course of several hours basically got covered with snow. It finally stood up to shake off the snow. Purdy neat capture.
  12. Bucksnbears

    Deer are eating

    Bagged leaves from last fall. During fall hunting time, I always have a smudge fire burning in that barrel. I love my woods smelling like smoke. Last Oct, I drove through town and picked up about 12 big bags of leaves off people's boulevard to burn. Had one left as of last week. The deer broke...
  13. Bucksnbears

    Christmas doe.

    Very windy but warm (32*). I love hunting super thick cover when windy. Dove into a buckthorn thicket and didn't take long. Goal was to shoot the first antlerless that came. by. Yearling doe. Good eater. 12 yards shot, high double lung, 40 yard run.
  14. Bucksnbears

    Looks like a stockyard

    Went to bed last night and backyard was a pristine blanket of 6" of fresh snow. Woke up to pee sometime in the middle of the night, looked out and counted 19 deer within 25 yards. Amazing how cold n snow will get them to come and try and find a couple sunflowers seeds the birds dropped from the...
  15. Bucksnbears

    December rutting activity.

    What are you guys seeing? This past week in Nw Mn has been the best I've ever seen in December. Yesterday starting at about 3 30 p.m., my woods were on fire with activity. Had 2 doe fawns getting so harassed by bucks it was nuts. 6/7 bucks in the back and 3/4 out front down by the river. Lots...
  16. Bucksnbears

    Just watched this buck breed a fawn

    40 yards away out my back window. Didn't get the actually " humpty humpty act danggit. He's now got her pinned in a slash pile 50 yards away.
  17. Bucksnbears

    Do deer eat meat?

    Yep. Few days ago, a bluejay crashed into my back window and killed itself. I threw it back in the woods bout 30 yards away. An hour ago, I seen a doe fawn coming and it stopped, head went down and started pawing. Didn't know what it was pawing for so grabbed my binos. It was pawing/ mouthing...
  18. Bucksnbears

    A trend here i hate.

    Actually 2. One is one or both brow tines not growing. Another is bucks just seem to stagnate once they hit 4. Looking back now, sure wish I would have saved more pic. 1st set is a buck I killed several years ago. I have his sheds from 2,3,6,7 year old and killed him as an 8 year old. On thing...
  19. Bucksnbears

    Great looking youngster.

    This little fella showed up a couple weeks ago. Seems to really like it here as a see him almost daily right around the yard. Sure hope he sticks around for 3 more years.
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