i'm looking at buying a clover chicory mix for frost seeding has anyone used both of these products real world or whitetail institute. or one of them or here anything good or bad .
i have a ion electric auger not crazy about it it cuts but slow and need to apply pressure it's fairly new maybe has cut thirty holes maybe i'm just use to the gas powered ice augers? do anyone have thoughts on this ?
people CWD is on the move in iowa i talked to a iowa wildlife biologist he gave me this website to go to it's called hunters submission pathway video on there show you how to collect the lymph nodes to send in to have checked CWD is a serious problem down take it lightly
how much 2 4 D should i use in my food plot going to do 50 gals nothing planted yet . So probably have to wait 2 weeks after spraying to play seed like oats . there’s lots of fourulas in the directions
What nurserys have you guys had your best luck with buying trees or scrubs ? There’s so many to pick from and if you pick the wrong one it can be a hassle getting things straightened out & expensive.
With all the deep snow & ice at first layer should a person feed the deer or not . This is going to set the pheasants population back & it was just getting better & afraid with the few quail we got left will all but be gone but a few .
Anyone seeing any gray fox I haven’t seen any for I can’t remember DNR are looking for reports of seeing any or any that have be trapped they just want Data. They also will pay $400 for any that are trapped alive
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