Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. deerdown

    Trump Says Zelensky 'Not Ready for Peace' After Oval Office Blowup

    Well, that escalated quickly..... The Pres and VP handled it. I've read a bunch of comments regarding how they "sprung" this minerals agreement on Zelensky so he was unprepared, that's why he acted like he did, etc,... Ummm, didn't he come to Washington specifically to sigh the minerals deal...
  2. deerdown

    Thoughts on the cheap tree pullers?

    I am thinking about buying one of those cheap tree pullers, like the easy man, or similar. Am I throwing away money? Will I destroy it in a couple hours? How about the titan tree puller, any better? Pulling small 3-4" elm, smaller oak, 5" cedar..
  3. deerdown

    Speaking of cold

    I decided to buy a heated vest for the impending cold weather - which are the Iowawhitetail approved vests?
  4. deerdown

    5' King Kutter rotary tiller for sale $1450 obo

    In good condition 5' King Kutter tiller for sale. Stock pic for attention.
  5. deerdown

    How best to determine cash rent acres?

    Not sure how to get this info. On my tillable ground, I see acres change, year over year, and differences between planted acres vs harvested acres even in the same year. For example, on 1 farm these were the tillable acres reported : 2023 Planting monitor said 173.4a Harvest monitor said...
  6. deerdown

    Giant ragweed

    I have 5a I tilled up in early spring and planted clover into. Well, fast forward to September and I have 5-6' tall giant ragweed heavy throughout the plot, and underneath that ragweed, there are spots of ladino clover, not a bunch, but some in spots.... Question is what to do with it. I...
  7. deerdown

    Entertaining Forums

    Just curious what other websites folks on here find interesting/spend their time on? One of my daily websites is AgTalk. They discuss everything from land prices, crop prices, personal health, machinery. Always find something interesting to read on there. You?
  8. deerdown

    Land Clearing

    I have 7.8a of expired crp that has grown up in prickly ash, dogwoods, plum thickets, evergreen, cherry, etc... I'm thinking about hiring someone to get it cleared, but whenever I've hired these things out in the past, it's always been on an hourly basis. Anyone have any luck getting a...
  9. deerdown

    Land values in Iowa

  10. deerdown

    Artifact hunting

    Anyone on here hunt artifacts? I've been looking for about 2 years, and finally found my first worked piece this past weekend while visiting friends in Southern Missouri. At least that's what they tell me on the Facebook Artifact Group I'm on. I've been looking in NW Mo mostly to no avail. The...
  11. deerdown

    Certified as a Pesticide Applicator

    How many of you have your Pesticide Applicator's Certification? Was it hard to obtain?
  12. deerdown

    Always something new...

    It seems every year I plant something new. This year it's bee keeper clover mix (came in great!), giant sunflowers and milo.. Last year was German Millet - great stand, and crimson clover, regular sunflowers - both failed plots. Every year about this time, I say I'm going to keep it simple and...
  13. deerdown

    Chestnuts from nuts

    Received some chestnuts from a member on here last fall. Started them in pots and now, I have chestnut trees! Of the bareroot persimmon I planted this year, 27 of the 30 are growing as well. I planted and tubed most of them. Should have done this years ago!
  14. deerdown

    Tractor chains for sale, 2 sets

    1 set fits 11.2x24 ag tires, might fit others. Couple years old, came with a tractor I bought. $275 OBO Have another set approx 13'4"x20". Found in a barn on a farm I purchased. $300 OBO Forgot to take pics of smaller set but not all rusted, look barely used.
  15. deerdown

    Maschio Tiller B205 for sale

    Selling a 2013 very good condition Maschio B205 tiller. MASCHIO B205 Model MULTISPEED GEARBOX (60-100 HP required at the PTO ) Description Maschio has been manufacturing rotary tillers for the last 50 years: quality and strength have become synonymous with their products...
  16. deerdown

    Rushing to finish before planting starts

    Watched them tile a grass waterway on my farm today, they still had to build the terraces. Quite an interesting process. Big equipment to put tile 6ft in the ground...
  17. deerdown

    WTB: Tracked Skid Loader

    Anyone have a tracked loader they're thinking of selling? 70-90hp Kubota,NH, Bobcat, JD, Case, CAT Give me a shout. Thx
  18. deerdown


    While most of you are still grinding out the season, some of us are thinking about next years food plots and habitat plans. No, it's not that I filled my tags, on the contrary, I didn't hunt at all this year and have no plans to enter the game at this point. The new job has been kicking my...
  19. deerdown

    Steel toe boots

    Accepted a job today that requires steel toe boots. What's everyone's go to store for selection? Recommendations for boot?
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