I've debated posting this on the forum, and if it is not allowed, the admin can certainly remove the post. To warn everyone, it will be a somewhat long post but one I feel is important. I repeatedly hear the theme of going on the offensive instead of playing defense. I wonder, instead of...
It's been a tough season for me so far. Lots of deer but nothing within my comfortable range that I wanted to shoot. I know lots of guys have success in late November but my streak of not shooting a big buck after the first week of November is unfortunately still intact. I don't expect a flurry...
@Skipsligh @Fishbonker What's the deal with this bill? Is this a new bill for this session or where are we at with it. Read about on FB and the jist of it is allowing non-residents who own 80 acres or more to be able to hunt every year. If this is true I think it is a terrible bill for Iowa...
My garage was burglarized this past week and many items were taken so if you guys happen to see any of these items for sale could you please give me a heads up. I had a Kifaru Duplex Lite frame and Stone Glacier X Curve frame stolen. I also had about 18 fishing poles stolen including some St...
Now that my 2019 season is over and I look ahead to next year I like to set goals. I hunt small private acreage(which I don't have exclusive rights on) and public. I'm usually happy with a 135+ gross deer but my brother keeps telling me I need to challenge myself more and much to my surprise my...
My family and I were hunting in South-Central IA this past weekend and found 3 dead bucks and 1 fawn. The one buck was found in a creek and was fairly decomposed so it was hard to determine if it had been shot but no velvet on its antlers (looks like it may have been there a couple months...
I went out for first shotgun season this morning on public land in Monona County. Around noon I came out to find my truck window shattered. Luckily nothing was stolen and there was no trace of slugs or foreign objects in the vehicle. I don't know if others have ever had problems with this in the...
I will be doing some hunting in SE Nebraska as I have just been stationed there and will have training for the whole month of July. So I was wondering if anyone is familiar with this area and could give me any ideas into which public areas to scout or avoid since I don't have as much time as I'd...
I was on the bus going to school this morning and read this article. Granted, it may be hard for them to do this on a large scale but the thought of them doing this instead of hunters is scary. At least big money hasn't opted for this approach in the "high" doe areas in Iowa yet...
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