Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. IowaBowHunter1983

    EMAIL NOW- Copy & Paste addresses

    Senate Joint Resolution 6 is an attempt to kill the Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund through constitutional amendment. OPPOSE ken.rozenboom@legis.iowa.gov jeff.reichman@legis.iowa.gov cindy.winckler@legis.iowa.gov kevin.alons@legis.iowa.gov tony.bisignano@legis.iowa.gov...
  2. IowaBowHunter1983

    Free carpet squares- great for blinds etc

    Free. Pickup saint charles. Works great for man cave or hunting blinds.
  3. IowaBowHunter1983

    Off the wall idea

    I've sold and planted quite a few peach trees here in Iowa. They grow crazy fast. Faster than any tree I've seen. Forget the fruit.... I'm wondering about planting a thicket of them for cover. You could have legit bedding thicket in 3 years.
  4. IowaBowHunter1983

    New in Box- 25 gallon tow sprayer- DR Power Equipment

    In Box never used. New they are $500. Asking $275
  5. IowaBowHunter1983

    Firminator G3 for sale

    5' version with the 16" cultipacker. This is a clients. They paid $9,700 out the door then decided to hire me to do everything instead. 100% less than 15 acres on it. Always shedded. Asking $7,000
  6. IowaBowHunter1983

    Tree auger

    24" tree aguer. Used to transplant 50 apple trees. Like new. Paid close to $1000. $450 it's yours. Moving and getting rid of things.
  7. IowaBowHunter1983

    Free tree buckets.

    100 +/- tree buckets. FREE for a week then they go in trash. Cleaning up and they gotta go. Located near Saint Charles
  8. IowaBowHunter1983

    Dakota knocks down #2

    My son was able to harvest his 2nd buck (of season & of his life) last evening. The night before he missed a 5 point. He was pretty sad about it, but I view it as an excellent learning experience. We spent some time during the day yesterday shooting and building his confidence. For his age he...
  9. IowaBowHunter1983

    Shotgun hunting observation

    I spend alot time driving around during shotgun just making sure folks are behaving. Went into several food joints with groups there. The average shotgun hunter is 50+ year old. I see younger guys here and there but for most part, the groups are aging. I think a part of it is access. The...
  10. IowaBowHunter1983

    My dad shot an old warrior

    New farm so I don't have the history on this critter, but I know this much. He was OLD. Missing teeth, grey face, HUGE body, split ear. Perfect deer to shoot on so many levels and his biggest ever. The Deer came out at 165 yards into a soybean plot. My dad thought it was too far to shoot but...
  11. IowaBowHunter1983


    Free slugs. Mostly 12 g. Pick up in SC Iowa. One box of 20 g FREE
  12. IowaBowHunter1983

    2024 RC Big Rock Switchgrass- Promo

    The 2024 crop of RC Big Rock Switchgrass has been harvested and is being cleaned and will ship months end. Just wanted to make IW community aware I am running a promotion on pre orders. Free Richardson 112 custom hat with 50 lb bag purchase. (really nice cap) on top of the best pricing you...
  13. IowaBowHunter1983

    Thoughts on deer prospects this year?

    I've talked to ALOT of people about this.... A few are on good deer but there is a common theme I keep hearing. Not a big deer to chase and overall numbers are down. Even in areas with no apparent EHD. Several folks I do work for with good size farms and killer set ups scratching their head...
  14. IowaBowHunter1983

    For your nightly laugh

    I couldn't hunt this morning (kid duty) so started some home projects. One thing lead to another and I was late for the afternoon hunt. I jumped in shower and switched vehicles in a rush and headed to a farm to hunt. Got there and realized I had moved my bow, binos, release, etc but completely...
  15. IowaBowHunter1983

    Dakota's first deer

    We were coloring pictures of the foodplot we were overlooking and discussing the bucks that were certain to step out Dakota whispered "Dad, a buck!" From our make shift ground blind Dakota settled his aim and harvested his first whitetail at 7 years old. After the shot he was trembling with...
  16. IowaBowHunter1983

    Project Red, Green, & Yellow

    Milo, forage sorghum, and sunflowers
  17. IowaBowHunter1983

    NR party hunting to be eliminated

    Heard from reliable source I would be in favor of eliminating it completely
  18. IowaBowHunter1983

    Planting sunflowers

    Have a request from a client for a big Sunflower planting. Anyone run them in corn planter? Seed is about same size as corn kernel. I have a deere 7100 on 30" rows Or better to drill? Good herbicides for sunflowers?
  19. IowaBowHunter1983

    Permanent conservation easements- tax question

    Are permanent conservation easements (ie WRP) considered taxable income? You're talking hundreds of thousands of dollars potentially. I can't seem to find anything online.
  20. IowaBowHunter1983

    Miscanthus available

    Just got a massive delivery. I have some extra miscanthus available. It's cold so be good for a few weeks but sooner the better. Pick up in St. Charles, IA.
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