Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. T

    Finally a nice one

    Well after gettin my first card pulled i went back today after accidentally shutting the camera off finally got it turned on and let it sit for about 4 days came home to 200 pics We had this buck earlier in the year on another camera and finally we got him again Any guesses on score? I am...
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    My first ever card pulled

    Well after getting the bow hunting bug only 3 years ago I been looking at all these trail pics and was getting the itch to try one out. I seen scheels had 10 bucks off the Moultre ones so i thought what the heck might as well give it a try right? Well we set up a spot Sunday night and pulled my...
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    Double Bull WANTED

    Sorry if this is found to be in the wrong spot. After last season i lost my T5 Blind to some dirty tresspassers who watched us put it up and left for town to eat and came back 45min later to find out they stole it I am in need of a new blind. I really liked the blind and Prefer to stay with...
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    Gotta Vent

    Well i dont post much on here as i just took up archery and was hoping to get a picture into the harvest report this season but i hope my luck can switch Heres the Story I usually have to work on Saturdays so that leaves usually only Sundays for me to hunt as i have college and work during...
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    Range Finder

    What does everyone use? I have heard great things about the Nikon 400 i am thinking of going that route they are fairly cheap and alot of people say they are worth the 200 bucks
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    Range Finder

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    Bibs Or Pants

    I am just getting into Bow Hunting and looking to get some camo I will be probably bow hunting deer and then turkey in the spring if that really matters What do you guys prefer i want to get something with the "cargo" pockets but i didnt know if thier was anything besides preference in the...
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    Decoy Setup?

    I am new to turkey hunting well i started last year and we didnt hunt very long but i bought a double bull blind last fall and plan on hunting 2 seasonsand am just wondering what a basic setup for. I have 2 jakes and 1 hen will be my setup! Do you face the decoys away or towards the blind? Does...
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