Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. DMarley83

    Slime in Tractor Tires

    Looking for 1st hand experience here.... Has anyone ran slime in larger tractor tires without tubes before? Getting slow small leaks in the fronts (bean stubble, locust thorns,etc....)and thinking about sliming them....(the fronts) Any objections? I take this thing places most farmers...
  2. DMarley83

    Whitetail Deer Population Problem

    https://qz.com/us-states-worst-deer-problems-1851766130 Saw this in my news feed. Any of you guys from these top 10 states agree?
  3. DMarley83

    Fantastic News!!! Crime is Down Across the US!

    Just walked in the house and the tv was on CBS Sunday mourning . According to the fbi and CBS crimes are way down across the US. For whatever reason perception and data conflict and crimes are actually way down. The illegal Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes, the weekly...
  4. DMarley83

    Starting a 75 acre tree planting looking for Ideas 2024

    So embarking down a few year journey of a very landscape changing project. Full disclosure My farmer friends would 100% disagree with what I am doing! Reason for post is looking for ideas to build on. Here is the basic parameters. This is a project on which I live. Our intention is to live...
  5. DMarley83

    Frost Seeding Clover : Attention Midwest Habitat Company

    Looking for recommendation for seed supplier and mix for frost seeding or traditional planting clover plots. Have literally done almost every avenue of seed from different suppliers to deer picture bags to the local co op and quite a # in-between. There are so many different variations of clover...
  6. DMarley83

    Tactacam Reveal Verizon or AT&T

    I just received a couple of these Tactacam trail cams for xmas. More or less my first experience with cell cams. (had a spartan cam a number of years back but was not impressed with the software as far as the ap/time it took to look at the pics... so kinda put it on the shelf). I have a couple...
  7. DMarley83

    Free Food Plot Seed Corn

    I have about 20 bags (maybe a bit more) of food plot seed corn id be happy to hand out to anyone who could use it. 1 bag goes quite a ways... I gave out some bean seed this spring that some did not germinate for a guy so I would recommend doing a germ test prior to planting. Contacts me to...
  8. DMarley83

    Free Food Plot Seed Corn

    I have about 20 bags (maybe a bit more) of food plot seed corn id be happy to hand out to anyone who could use it. 1 bag goes quite a ways... I gave out some bean seed this spring that some did not germinate for a guy so I would recommend doing a germ test prior to planting. Contacts me to...
  9. DMarley83

    EHD Kills

    Just wondering if any one has found any sign of EHD in Iowa this year? As for me south central/ south east nothing as of yet..... Did smell some death on a farm this week but was not able to locate the Suspect.... Hoping coon.
  10. DMarley83

    Food Ploot Beans FREE

    Long time follower seldom post.... Just wanted to get this out there. I have a large supply of food plot beans left over from last year I'd be happy to share with anyone who needs them. Have done a recent germination test and all performed well. Located 10mn past carlisle on hywy 5. PM me to...
  11. DMarley83

    Very Important Please READ!!!!!!! Read Slowly and GO VOTE TOMORROW IF YOU HAVN'T ALLREADY

    I have never heard this said as simply or as well. Class war at its best. The folks who are getting the free stuff don't like The folks who are paying for the free stuff , because The folks who are paying for the free stuff can no longer Afford to pay for both the free stuff and...
  12. DMarley83

    Best Hunting Chair for a blind

    Looking for opinions on hunting chairs for hard floor blinds. Have always used old office chairs, junk chairs, fold up chairs, etc..... What is the best bang for the buck??? Dependong on price id probably strap it to my pack and take it in and out in order to use it in different blinds...
  13. DMarley83

    Alfalfa/Clover mix Should I mow It 1 more time?

    I have a alfalfa clover mixed plotthat is about 12 inches high right now.I have some other work to do on that farm this afternoonand was considering mowing off the alfalfa one more time.my concern is it may be too late in the season to mow the alfalfa? I also have a couple clover plots on that...
  14. DMarley83

    Round up residual?

    I recently mowed a number of new fall plots ( mainly grass and weeds) about 2 1/2 weeks ago. I sprayed them yesterday and last weekend. A couple of them I disc after mowing mainly to test out a new disc. I'm planing on planting a few different plots. 1 a brassica mix. 2 a pea mix. 3. A brassica...
  15. DMarley83

    Hunt Force .com

    Has anyone used the website Huntforce.com to store and organize your trail cam pics. It looks pretty good and it never fails at the end of each season I wind up with a dozen sd cards with thousands of images on each witch i did not sort through, save, or delete. Any input?
  16. DMarley83

    Sandy soil food plots

    Anyone have any experience or suggestions for fall plots that are planted into sandy soils?
  17. DMarley83

    Field Peas

    I was wanting to try a new fall plot this year and was considering peas. Does anyone have any experience with them lately and is that a good addition to beans, clover , and turnips?
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