Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. LoessHillsArcher

    Tree planting into alfalfa

    We've got a very thin alfalfa field, due to the soil being pretty tough, that doesn't produce much alfalfa. It never gets tall or thick and short foxtail is mixed in the whole thing every year. I'm thinking about planting shrubs/cedars/scattered hardwoods into the alfalfa. Any issues with...
  2. LoessHillsArcher

    Cedars vs pine vs spruce

    I'm still to the point where this dismal deer heard has me motivated to stick more time and money to improve our farms and hopefully see things turn around. Sure is a kick in the pants seeing all the previous work get wiped out basically by EHD and deer wandering across the fence. Makes me...
  3. LoessHillsArcher

    Video of Hudson's early muzzy buck

    I shared the story and pics of Hudson's early muzzy buck, thought I'd share the video here also. Really enjoy capturing these memories for the boys. I appreciate all of them I have had with my dad and brother and are captured to rewatch for years. Hope to do the same with the boys for many...
  4. LoessHillsArcher

    OK wild hogs

    Took Hudson on his first father son out of state hunting trip, chasing free range wild hogs with thermals. First night was real good, got six, should've had more. Kids had a blast! Hudson shot his first hog all on his own, tough situation too. Had three hunters in a line, 87yds from three...
  5. LoessHillsArcher

    Hudson's biggest buck to date

    Hudson is in his third season of hunting. He's had some great success and is loving every second of it. We've gone out during youth season a few times but only saw a few does and 1.5 yr old bucks. He still gets super excited and a little antsy to shoot something but more comfortable with not...
  6. LoessHillsArcher

    Son and I doubled up first day out 4th season

    Hudson has now officially killed a handful of toms. This was his third season turkey hunting and his first four birds he's shot in a blind over decoys. Some really cool hunts but for his second tag this year he wanted to stalk a turkey. Sounded like a great idea to me, he needed something to...
  7. LoessHillsArcher

    2nd season birds

    My wife, Nicole, and I got out Saturday and filled our second season tags. We got up early, heard a few gobbles but by 7am could tell we weren't in a spot to get a bird off the roost. So we got to the truck and started driving and glassing. We saw four jakes in a spot that we thought about...
  8. LoessHillsArcher

    Youth Season success (video included)

    Got out Friday with my oldest two boys - nearly killed a couple jakes, just wouldn't come closer than 40 yds. Had two toms fighting behind us 100yds. Great first hunt. Then Saturday we put two toms to bed and I set a blind at 11pm. We were in the blind for about 40 minutes Sunday morning and...
  9. LoessHillsArcher

    Shotgun 2 buck

    I wish I'd have filmed this hunt - it was a fun one with my dad and my middle son! This buck is one we don't recognize from previous years, he looked 4.5, maybe older, and we decided he'd be a good one to shoot if the came in. This field is one that deer tend to come out to earlier than...
  10. LoessHillsArcher

    First shotgun buck

    My oldest son is 5.5 and in his second season hunting. He has shot two does and a small 7pt buck. This year he was looking for a "fur mounter" sized buck. I thought for sure we'd get it done during youth season, I was home for two weeks on paternity leave as we had our third son Sept 21st...
  11. LoessHillsArcher

    First deer video

    Just shared the video of my son's first buck. Video was from 2022 but just got done editing it. Now sharing the video from 2022 of his first deer, a doe. A memory we'll never forget!
  12. LoessHillsArcher

    IA farm pond bass fishing video

    Catching up sharing the last video I edited this summer - did a lot of fishing with the boys on our pond. Decided to make a video from this trip.
  13. LoessHillsArcher

    Three Turkey Kill videos from 2023

    I don't think I ever shared pictures or stories from the three birds we got on video this past spring. Better late than never
  14. LoessHillsArcher

    2022 Hudson first buck hunt video

    With 2023 youth season opening in IA what a better time than to finish Hudson's buck hunt from 2022. :) We tried this weekend both evenings and saw a grand total of 0 deer, really odd. The deer heard has taken a beating the past few seasons and it's not looking like this year will be much...
  15. LoessHillsArcher

    Keeping open water in winter

    We've got a couple ponds on our farms that don't have electrical near them. Has anyone had success keeping small areas of a pond open for wildlife? I'm thinking solar bubbler or aerator. I just have no idea how large something would need to be? I see them ranging in price from $50 - a few...
  16. LoessHillsArcher

    Hudson's first two deer

    Our oldest son has become quite the hunter. Started last summer when he was 3.5 shooting nerf guns at wildlife on TV. He loved it. Then shot balloons with the .22 that summer and that began the gun safety lessons. If you want to make shooting fun and easy for kids, blow balloons up as big as you...
  17. LoessHillsArcher

    Son's first bird

    Just realized I can share pictures on here again - been a few years since I've shared a harvest story. So this is a fun one to knock the dust off of! I can get long winded - so you've been warned! Our oldest son turned 4 at the end of March. We've taken him hunting with us since he was 1...
  18. LoessHillsArcher

    .223 Barska 6-24 scope with base. $150 TYD

    Like new, the turret on top was cool for dialing yardages. $150 I’ll ship it to ya Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. LoessHillsArcher

    Pond dock

    My parents put a small 2 acre pond on their place a few years ago, never stocked it other than one five gallon bucket with 2 doz small crappie and bluegills ~7 yrs ago. Fished it for the first time yesterday and caught a small bullhead and bluegill, our boy had a blast. Looking to get some...
  20. LoessHillsArcher

    Systemic insecticides for apple trees

    I'm sure some of you guys on here are noticing Japanese beetles devouring your apple trees. I used to spray Sevin on ours about twice a month and it worked, but it'd rain and need reapplied. Then I learned Sevin is tough on bees so switched to something more bee friendly but it still need...
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