Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Matthewfox_45

    Spring beaver trapping

    With the ice finally breaking up in central iowa, I set a few beaver traps this weekend. Caught 3 in the last two days with the biggest being a 58 lb tank!
  2. Matthewfox_45

    Fun day

    Spent the day with Che Guevara’s grandson yesterday. We coon called, ice fished and predator called. We finished the day with 3 coons, a possum, and a coyote. And we caught a fair amount of fish…pretty good day!
  3. Matthewfox_45

    Wild Art Taxidermy

    Does anyone on here have any experience with Wild Art Taxidermy just north of Boone? The wife of a buddy of mine just called me, Bob Shaffer, of Wild Art Taxidermy, has had 2 deer of there’s for 2 years and has now gone radio silent. At this point, they just want their deer back. Any tips or...
  4. Matthewfox_45

    Pheasant Opener

    8 of us hit one of my pheasant spots yesterday morning. Had a limit by 11:30. Now I just need to figure out how to deer hunt it as we saw 3 good bucks.
  5. Matthewfox_45

    Got the age results on my late muzzleloader buck

    Here’s a pic of the buck. Anyone want to take a stab at the age before I post a pic of the results? Curtis, can’t answer because he already knows.
  6. Matthewfox_45

    Fun hunt in crappy weather

    After grinding on some public ground Friday and Saturday, my son and I headed to the farm last night to hunt this morning. We’ve had some close calls and a blown opportunity on the public, so we were ready for a change. With the weather being less then ideal for his birthday hunt, we decided to...
  7. Matthewfox_45

    2022 Season

    I posted after opening weekend of gun season when I broke my 7 year buckless drought with my best buck ever. That same weekend a very unique buck showed up on the cameras and he became the object of my affection. This afternoon, to his dismay and my extreme pleasure, he stepped out and gave me a...
  8. Matthewfox_45

    2022 Season

    I posted after opening weekend of gun season when I broke my 7 year buckless drought with my best buck ever. That same weekend a very unique buck showed up on the cameras and he became the object of my affection. This afternoon, to his dismay and my extreme pleasure, he stepped out and gave me a...
  9. Matthewfox_45

    Slump Buster!!!

    It’s been 6 years since I’ve shot a buck. Enough said!!! Today I managed to harvest the buck I’ve been after for the last 3 years. Before tonight, I had only laid eyes on him once and that was this year during bow season. At about 2:15 I hopped into a simple pallet blind my son and I made. It...
  10. Matthewfox_45

    Doe with a couple messed up hooves

    I shot a doe this morning….noticed she had a front hoof and back hoof that were kinda “wonky”. I thought I’ve heard EHD can cause hoof deformities, is that true? I believe 3 years ago, EHD hit the farm here pretty hard as I found 11 dead deer on 130 acres.
  11. Matthewfox_45

    Hunting in the rain

    I’m hunting this weekend and it’s going to be rainy. How much does the rain affect your scent dispersal. I have a blind I can sit in, but with east south east winds, it would be less then ideal. Being relatively dry is a huge perk, but I don’t want to f everything up with bad winds. Just curious...
  12. Matthewfox_45

    Last youth hunt

    Today my son harvested his last “youth” turkey. At 11:07 he pulled the trigger on a tom that we watched quietly strut his way in to 30 yards. It was on some public ground that had been hunted that morning, judging by the fresh boot tracks. Despite that we pushed into the deepest corner of public...
  13. Matthewfox_45


    A buddy of mine offered me some sorghum for a plot. Never used it before, anyone have any tips or experience with it? Things to do, not do? Thanks in advance!
  14. Matthewfox_45

    Gun/bow double

    Hunted in Boone county with a buddy yesterday and today. The struggles yesterday, took a complete 180° today. Just before 7 am we had 3 toms come in straight to the dekes. Brett shot the first one on the scene and I cleaned up one of the other toms with my bow when they pounced on their fallen...
  15. Matthewfox_45

    New Longbow

    I was just gifted a longbow from my dad. It has a 55lb draw weight. I’d like to get good enough with it and try to kill a deer with it while hunting on the ground in my guille suit. What arrows would be the best to use?
  16. Matthewfox_45

    Buying a new 4 wheeler

    I’ll be buying a new 4 wheeler in the next month or two. I’ve never bought a brand new one before. How much haggling can you get away with when buying a new 4 wheeler?
  17. Matthewfox_45

    My son shoots a bearded lady

    Had a fun hunt with my boy this morning. Toms were quiet for the most part, still liked where we were sitting based on recon from last weekend. At about 5:55, turkeys start flying into the plot we were sitting in and landing around the decoys. Third bird to show up was a bearded hen, she came...
  18. Matthewfox_45

    Would it be crazy to plant brassicas this weekend

    I was wondering if you guys think planting brassicas this weekend would be too early? Am I crazy for thinking about trying this? Thanks for any advice that is offered
  19. Matthewfox_45

    Minnesota Bear Guide Reccomendation

    I’m thinking about booking a trip to Minnesota to hunt bears. Anybody have any recommendations for guides they’ve used?
  20. Matthewfox_45

    Tagged out with my bow

    A shot a nice tom on Monday with my bow on public land near boone. Fast forward to this weekend. It’s our annual turkey hunt and beer fest in union county. Had some rough hunting dealing with henned up birds yesterday but still managed to call in a real nice tom for a buddy. Went again this...
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